The Care and Feeding of your Career The Care and Feeding of your Career 6/25/13 Janet Bickel Career and Leadership Development Coach
Career development is like long-distance hiking: Cardiovascular: strengths and values Muscles: basic skills Pack: responsibilities Boots: self-efficacy Map: advancement “how-tos” Walking stick: supports Trail guide: mentors
Career Development Competencies know what (clinical and scientific expertise) know why you are doing what you’re doing (goals, values) know whom (maintain key relationships) know how (communication skills, political savvy) know when (adaptable, take smart risks)
ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN MEDICAL COLLEGES Career Success Orientations SERVICE (making a difference) AHEAD (influence, prestige) SECURE (sense of order and reciprocity) FREE (autonomy) HIGH (excitement, challenge) (CONNECTED (relationships) BALANCED (flexibility)
What do you want? *What results do you want to achieve? [verbalize in clear enough terms so you'd recognize the result if you had it] *Have you made the fundamental choice to be the predominant creative force in your own life? *How will you handle competing commitments, ie mutually exclusive wants?
In Pairs What are your Big Hairy Audacious Questions about your career development?
Individual Development Plan Last year’s goals and accomplishments This year’s goals What resources and supports do you need? What skills are critical to develop? What personal characteristics are getting in your way?
Speaking up about Your Goals Problem/Opportunity What needs to be fixed? What are the opportunities and challenges? Action: What will you do? Result/Benefit: What difference will you make?
PRACTICE TIME You are sharing a 30-story elevator with your new boss. She says “Please tell me about your work.” Using a PAR, make a positive, memorable first impression. Close with a bridging question
ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN MEDICAL COLLEGES Keep Expanding Your Circle of Colleagues Mentors Experts, Coach? Peers, Learning Partners Potential Mentors, Advisors
Seek “learning partners” who: Have different areas of expertise than you Think differently than you do Ask great Questions Model values and skills you want to emulate Are willing to challenge you
Networking Tips Present at every national meeting Set up appointments before Conferences Write yourself notes on new acquaintances and stay in touch Even if you’re an Introvert, socialize and discuss your work with enthusiasm ??
Common Fears *Not being “good enough” *i'm an imposter *I’m in this alone *Chaos will overtake me *I will not be able to handle what lies ahead
In Pairs What fears are most present for you? What actions might you take to ensure that they won't hold you back?