Biome An area with a distinct climate and specific types of plants and animals Examples: Tundra, Taiga, Grassland, Desert, Temperate Forest, Rain Forest, Salt water, and Fresh Water
Tropical Rain Forest Has the most diverse number of species out of all of the biomes. This is a warm wet biome
Tropical Dry Forest Rain fall is seasonal here This is a place where it is warm with alternating wet periods
Tropical Savanna This biome gets less water than the Tropical dry forest They have few trees and warm temperatures
Desert This is a very dry warm biome The amount of water there is very minimal and only comes during the rainy season
Temperate Grassland This biome has the most fertile soil It has seasons where there are clod winters and hot summers
Temperate Woodland or Shrub land This biome has a mixture of woodlands and shrub communities It has hot dry summers and cool moist winters.
Temperate Forest This biome has a mixture of trees It has cold winters and mild summers
Northwest Coniferous Forest This biome has mild moist air and abundant rainfall It has mostly mild temperatures
Boreal Forest or Taiga This biome has very cold winters and mild summers It has high humidity
Tundra This biome has permanently frozen subsoil It has strong winds and short summers.
Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems – there are 2 main types: Flowing-water – organisms in this environment are well adapted to the rate of water flow Standing-water – organisms in this environment are free-floating or weakly swimming.
Freshwater Wetlands A wetland is where water either covers the soil or is near the surface of the soil The water will be a combination of flowing/standing and salty/fresh There are 3 kinds of wetlands – bogs, marshes and swamps
Estuaries They are wetlands that form where rivers meet the sea At the bottom of the food web there is detritus (tiny pieces of organic material) They support a large variety of species There are 2 kinds of estuaries – salt marshes and mangrove swamps
Marine Ecosystems There are 5 kinds – Intertidal, Coastal Ocean, Coral Reef, Open Ocean and Benthic Zone. Each of the 5 zones have there own individual species that live. There and there own individual characteristics that define where there are in the oceans.