VEGETATION Narrow- vs. Broad-Band Instruments Wavelength (nm) Reflectance TM Bands
AVIRIS Canopy % N Prediction Single scene calibration Multiple scene calibration (36) Reflectance data calibrated using PLS regression to measured foliar N (R 2 = 0.84). Whole Canopy Nitrogen Concentration Smith, M.L., Ollinger, S.V., Martin, M.E., Aber, J.D., Hallett, R.A., and Goodale, C.L Direct estimation of aboveground forest productivity through hyperspectral remote sensing of canopy nitrogen. Ecological Applications Smith, M. L.; Martin, M. E.; Plourde, L., and Ollinger, S. V. Analysis of hyperspectral data for estimation of temperate forest canopy nitrogen concentration: comparison between and airborne (AVIRIS) and a spaceborne (Hyperion) sensor. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2003; 41(6):
Aboveground Woody Biomass Production < > 500 g m -2 yr -1 AVIRIS - Predicted Forest Productivity HB CP Smith, M.L., Ollinger, S.V., Martin, M.E., Aber, J.D., Hallett, R.A., and Goodale, C.L Direct estimation of aboveground forest productivity through hyperspectral remote sensing of canopy nitrogen. Ecological Applications N
N AVIRIS - Predicted Soil C:N Ratio Measured Soil C:N Predicted Soil C:N 1:1 line Nitrification Threshold Ollinger, S.V., Smith, M.L., Martin, M.E., Hallett, R.A., Goodale, C.L., and Aber, J.D Regional Variation in Foliar Chemistry and N Cycling Among Forests of Diverse History and Composition. Ecology Ollinger, S. V.; Smith, M. L.; Martin, M. E.; Hallett, R. A.; Goodale, C. L., and Aber, J. D. Regional Variation in Foliar Chemistry and N Cycling Among Forests of Diverse History and Composition. Ecology Feb; 83(2): < > 32
Smith, ML, Martin, ME, Plourde, LC, and Ollinger, SV Analysis of Hyperspectral Data for Estimation of Temperate Forest Canopy Nitrogen Concentration, Comparison Between AVIRIS and Hyperion. IEEE Transactions on Geosci and Rem Sens 41: Both AVIRIS and Hyperion data collected for the Bartlett Experimental Forest are used to estimate canopy N for 44 sampled field plots Low High