Muellerian Both can sting their predators! 10/17/13 Groups of organisms which are ALL unpalatable with similar color patterns and markings.
Batesian Mimicry The non-poisonous benefits from the poisonous species’ coloration. One species is poisonous and the other is a non- poisonous copy. Predators avoid both. Venomous or Not? Venomous or Not?
1. Describe the process of succession that occurs after a forest fire destroys a biological community How is a periodic fire beneficial to a community?
Acquisition of traits that allow species to survive and thrive in the environment. Types of adaptations: 1. Structural 2. Behavioral 3. Physiological: produces chemical defense 4. Camouflage 5. Mimicry: copy other species to survive
Structural Behavioral – Blue Footed Booby Birds Mating Call
Create a creature which can survive one of the biomes. Must have 3 of the adaptations listed: 1. Desert 2. Arctic Tundra 3. Tropical Rain Forest 4. Grassland 5. Temperate forests (either coniferous – cone bearing or deciduous – loss of leaves in cold temperatures 6. Coral Reef
What influences the adaptations of a species? Their Environment! How do those adaptations occur? Passing on of favorable traits over time.