Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM MARKETING Providing Customers with products and services that they need or want Strategic Marketing is a process for making decisions about what the congregation is going to do, and not do, to achieve its mission through growth
Strategic Marketing Process SM SEGMENTATION & TARGETING What are their needs? What do they care about? Who are your competitors? What are you going to offer? Who do you want to serve? MEASURING RESULTS COMMUNICATION TACTICS STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH & DISCOVERY COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS How are you going to promote? How do you know you’ve been successful?
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM Research Tools 1.Focus Groups 2.Interviews 3.Questionnaires On-Line: Percept Data The Uncommon Denomination
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM Communication Tactics: Direct Mail Marketing Part of an overall strategy Cost Effective Targeting: Mailing List is the most important part of the process The Uncommon Denomination
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM Direct Mail Marketing: UUA Postcards 5 ½ by 8 ½ $15 for 100 postcards –back panel for your message Postage postcard rate
The Uncommon Denomination UUA Postcard Design #1 Imagine a Religion
The Uncommon Denomination UUA Postcard Design #2 Imagine a Religion
The Uncommon Denomination UUA Postcard Design #3 Imagine a Religion
Other Ideas If you are designing your own... SM
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM Direct Mail Marketing: Other Suppliers Religious Left Gear: $99 for
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM Targeting Your Audience Geographically Demographically: List Brokers Psychographics/Lifestyles –New Homeowners Lists –New Residents: Chambers of Commerce –GLBT Community – Subscriber Lists –Claritas
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM UUA Advertising Available –Newspaper Ads –GLBT Ads –Banner Graphics –Radio Spots –Photos to Use –Banner Ads for websites
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM INTEREST EVANGELIZE WORSHIP FELLOWSHIP COVENANT LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT Greeting Membership: The Membership Journey Small Group Ministry Visit 2 nd Visit 3 rd Visit PR/Website Point of Entry Programming: Worship, RE, Adult Ed
Imagine a Religion The Uncommon Denomination SM