By : Ritwik Pavan
When You Click on the app, this screen pops up When You Press enter……. iGokulam
Log In Interface! When you press sign-up…..
Sign Up Screen! Once You Sign Up….
Verification Sent! Now You are able to log in!
Once You log-in… Hare Krishna *******
Everything! You can play Gokul Jeopardy From App itself! Bhajans Slokas Hari Kathas Bhakthi Radio Gokul Jeopardy Test Paper Your Score Videos 100 Sign Out
Worship Gods and Dhams KrishnaBhakthas Nama and Glories When You Click on a number…..
What are the things Kabir rejected from Hinduism? a.) The Caste System b.) Idol Worship c.) Worshiping many Gods d.) All of the above Gokul Jeopardy – WorshipYour Score: Second Timer!
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Write down the G-04 Sloka (Vrindavanam Parityajya) Test Paper (Krishna Never Leaves Vrindavan) Vrndāvanam parityajya_________ Naiva gacchāmy aham kvacit_____ Nivasāmy anayā sārdham________ Aham atraiva sarvadā___________ Question: 7/10 52 Next
Ritwik Pavan Attendence:202 Slokas:291 Test Score:282 Total Score : 77 Ekadesi : 81
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