Mr. Saltsman’s Classroom 8 th Grade Math Advanced, Algebra 1, and Algebra 1 Honors Room Today, we will cover all the rules, policies, procedures and expectations for this class
Your Team Teachers: Mr. Saltsman – Math Ms. Cabrera – Science Mr. McDannald - Social Studies Ms. Fletcher – Language Arts/Reading OR Ms. Moore – Language Arts/Reading
About Mr. Saltsman Graduate of Ohio University B.S. in Pure Mathematics B.S.Ed. in Secondary Mathematics Education Graduate of Kaplan University Master’s in Education Professionally Certified by the State
Class Rules: Tardy *The consequence for being tardy is a minor infraction, the first time, and every time. Minor Infraction* #1
Class Rules: Talking/Disruption *The consequence for disruption is a minor infraction, the first time, and every time. Minor Infraction* #2
Class Rules: Electronics *The consequence for having prohibited electronics is confiscation & a minor infraction, the first time, and every time. Confiscation/Minor Infraction* #3
Class Rules: Severe or Repeated Rule Violations Referral to Dean #4
Procedure for Entering Mr. Saltsman’s Class Before Entering the Classroom You must quietly line up in a single file line outside Mr. Saltsman’s door and wait to be told to enter. Entering the Classroom Walk in quietly. Pick up a Bellwork Quiz. Go to your assigned seat. Begin Bellwork Quiz.
What is a Bellwork Quiz? Daily Activity for starting class It reviews the concepts from the previous day’s lesson. It also will prepare you for today’s material. It will be graded as one assignment.
Grading System 40% of your grade = TESTS 20% of your grade = HOMEWORK 20% of your grade = CLASSWORK 20% of your grade = BELLWORK QUIZZES
Turning in Assignments / Quizzes Turn in your work on the shelf in the front of the room, in the appropriate box. You may ONLY turn in your work during the last five minutes of class – not in the middle of class.
How will our class be structured? Bellwork Quiz (~15 min) Main Lesson (~25 min) Review (~10 min) (Each class period lasts about 50 minutes)
Importance of Rules & Procedures It is important to lay down the rules and procedures so you know: what is expected of you the consequences for not doing it Additionally, following procedures helps the class run more smoothly. We will have more time to learn and everyone will feel more comfortable.
Other Reminders: Stay in your seat until given permission to leave Don’t bother stuff that doesn’t belong to you
Rewards! Good behavior, following instructions, extra effort and overall improvement will be recognized with rewards such as Discovery Dollars, bonus points, special team parties, first-in-line lunch passes, as well as other various prizes.
School Supplies for Math Class: 1.) Pencil or Pen 2.) Calculator (Perhaps a sheet of paper occasionally)
You will need a basic calculator like the following: Basic Calculator Has Square Root Button Has +/- Button VERY Cheap – usually less than $4 *This is the type of calculator you will use on the FCAT
My Favorite Calculator: TI – 30Xa Ideal for Middle School and High School Cheap! – less than $9 at Walmart You can’t use these calculators during FCAT – just the basic ones they give you!
Weekly Progress Report Announcements Assignments Downloadable Worksheets Other Class Info
Summary Class Rules: Tardy - minor infraction for all tardies Talking/Disruption – minor infraction Electronics – confiscation/minor infraction Severe or Repeat Offenses – Referral to Dean Procedures: Line up Outside. Come in Quietly. Pick up Bellwork Quiz. Sit in Assigned Seat. Other Reminders: Stay seated until given permission to leave Don’t bother stuff that doesn’t belong to you The only supplies you need is something to write with and a calculator! How You Can Stay Informed: Weekly Progress Reports Website