Melody Gatti & Kristin Hase – (August 2013) Bell Work: Log into Edmodo -- CODE = kfdiht FOR INTERNET – Click on “+” next to “Groups”, click on “Join”, type the CODE FOR APPS - Download the Teacher app Click on “Group Management” (left side of screen) click on “Join” (upper right hand corner) Enter the group code kfdiht Click on “Joined Groups” (on the left) Click on “Motivation! Engagement! Technology!... (on the left) Click on “reply” and respond to our discussion question: “What are some ways you motivate your students to read.”
You should leave with: a framework to help you develop thematic, content-based units/lessons that will create motivated, engaged readers. a variety of technology resources that can be integrated into your thematic units.
CCSS are higher- order thinking skills: explain, interpret, analyze, contrast, persuade Thinking depends on motivation: self- efficacy, interest, valuing Thinking + Motivation ENGAGEMENT John Guthrie, 2012
Interest Relevance & Choice Confidence -----Success Social Collaboration Value Importance TABLE TALK: What are ways you can make things relevant to students?
Time in text Volume of text Interest Self directed reading Cognitive effort
1.Cognitive competence: proficient in comprehension skills and cognitive strategies. 2.Motivation: want to learn, believe in their skills, and persist in the face of difficulty. 3.Knowledge-driven: they consciously add to their initial knowledge base to build a deeper understanding. 4.Socially interactive in learning: buzz of productivity.
Collaborative project between University of Maryland and Frederick County Public Schools John Guthrie, researcher Concept Oriented Reading Instruction:CORI Goals: o increase students' reading comprehension o increase students' reading motivation o increase students' science knowledge
Why is reading engagement critical in meeting the expectations of KCCRS?
Content (SS or Science Concepts) o Essential Question Comprehension instruction/CCSS-ELA Motivation o Relevance o Choice o Collaboration Reading Instruction o Whole class text o Guided reading Struggling reader considerations for text Advanced reader considerations for text Writing Instruction
1. Text Selection 2. Concept in Text 3. Motivation Support 4. Reading Strategy 5. CCSS- based task
Analyze for complexity Differentiation for instructional level Traditional and Multi-media
Central topic/ concept of the text Essential Question Align with Content Standards
1. Assuring success (self -efficacy) 2. Giving relevance (intrinsic motivation) 3. Affording choices (intrinsic motivation) 4. Arranging collaboration (social motivation) 5. Emphazing importance (valuing) 2-4 are embeded in the lesson plan
Provide direct instruction with scaffolding for strategies such as: Monitor Activate and Connect Ask Questions Infer and Visualize Determine Importance Summarize and Synthesize
Answering higher level questions Creating a project - Webb's DOK level integrating technology writing task
iPad - Computer * Doodle Buddy - Paint * Show Me - Quick Voice * Book Creator - Scribblepress * Evernote - Evernote Classroom Examples: * Book Trailer * Education in Africa
ELA Sequence Guide and Unit/Lesson Plan
Please share at least one thing you are going to take away from this session that you will use with your students?
Socrative - Please let us know if you are interested in a follow-up book study or graduated level course. Tell us your grade level in your answer. Room Number: