GOAL: DISPLAY DATA IN FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS AND HISTOGRAMS Section 1-8: Frequency Distributions and Histograms
Histogram Special type of bar graph Data values are grouped into intervals of the same size The number of data values in each interval is the frequency of the interval Before you draw a histogram, you need to determine the intervals and make a frequency distribution
Frequency Distribution Shows how many times the numbers in each interval occur in the data.
Example 1: Make a Frequency Distribution IntervalsTallyFrequency Make a frequency distribution of the film data. Use 8 intervals beginning with the interval
Checkpoint: Make a Frequency Distribution Use the following table, which shows tests scores for 16 students on a recent Algebra 2 test. Make a frequency distribution of the test scores. List 7 intervals beginning with IntervalTallyFrequency
Example 2: Draw a Histogram Draw a histogram of the film data. What can you conclude about how much money is earned during opening weekend by a popular film? 1. Divide the horizontal axis into eight equal sections. Label the sections with the intervals shown in the frequency distribution. 2. Draw a scale on the vertical axis to measure the frequencies. 3. Draw bars of the appropriate heights to represent the frequencies of the intervals. Label the axes, and include a title.
Checkpoint: Make a histogram of the test scores
P , 10, 14, 17, Homework: