Direct Object Pronouns Expressing what or whom Direct Object Pronouns memenosus teyou (fam. sing.)osyou (fam. pl.) loyou (form. sing.), him, it (m.)losyou (form. pl.), them (m., m+f.) layou (form. sing.), her, it (f.)lasyou (form. pl.), them (f.) 18
Indefinite and Negative Words Expressing Negation Indefinite and Negative Words algosomething, nadanothing, not anything anything alguiensomeone, nadieno one, nobody, anyone not anybody algún some, anyningún no, none, not any (alguno/a/os/as)(ninguno/a) siemprealwaysnunca, jamásnever tambiénalsotampoconeither, not either 19 IndefiniteNegative
Formal Commands (Part 1) Influencing Others Formal Commands (Part 1) hablarcomerescribirvolverdecir Ud.hablecomaescribavuelvadiga Uds.hablencomanescribanvuelvandigan speakeatwritecome backtell 20 Formal Command Forms
Formal Commands (Part 2) Influencing Others Formal Commands (Part 2) Position of Pronouns with Formal Commands 20 Direct object pronouns and reflexive pronouns must follow affirmative commands and be attached to them. Add an accent mark to the stressed vowel if the original command has two or more syllables. Direct object and reflexive pronouns must precede negative commands. Léalo Ud. Read it. Siéntese, por favor.Sit down, please. No lo lea Ud.Dont read it. No se siente.Dont sit down.