Maglev in shanghai
Speed ? Recent record 581km/h(361mi/h) Has the potential to run 6400km/h(4000mi/h) Use electric power Very safe
1.what are the two maglev systems Their technologies and give a comparison of their speed 2.Safty 3.Economy
The EMS Electromagnetic suspension Only use electromagnets on the train
The EDS Electro dynamic Suspension Use electromagnets on the train and the track to repel the train
Maglev accident in German Cause 23 Deaths and 2 injuries
The maglev is much safer than the car, the plane The EMS is safer than the EDS › 1.speed › 2.air gap
CountriesGerman(EMS)Japan(EDS) Route projectMunich Airport routeTokyo-Osaka Total length(km) Planned unit cost(million per kilometer) Planned unit cost(million GBP per kilometer)
Which one is better? EMS now EDS future
Thank you