Intro: On a day to day basis when new incidents arise, we generally have the capability to handle them with resources within our unit. We trust when the phone rings and we enter a new call into our system that the closest resources will arrive and in a matter of time those same resources will be available for the next emergency. There comes a time when an incident escalates and we tap into our engines so deep, that we need to ask for help. We run the normal route of sending orders to NOPS/SOPS or to our adjoining units for initial attack. Do we have another course of action? CAL OES (California Office of Emergency Services) formerly known as CAL EMA comes into play when we realize we are exhausting our resources and even though we have placed orders to our GACC, there are resources closer with local government agencies and time is of the essence. The goal of this session is to make you aware of -What is available through CAL OES -When you should order through CAL OES -Where are the resources located -How you order them 1
Understanding Mutual Aid Ordering Defining Operational Areas and Regions Visually see the two ordering systems Knowing when & how to order Watching an order go through the system Define Operational Areas and Regions Visually see the two systems (differences/similarities) Knowing how and when to order Watch an order go thru the system 2
CAL OES Resources: Type 1 Engines = 114 Type 3 Engines = 40 Type 1 Water Tenders= 12 Statewide CAL OES has: 114 Type 1 Engines 15 Type 3 Engines 12 Type 1 Water Tenders 3
A. CAL OES equipment: Specifically marked with CAL OES logos and placed throughout the state with local government agencies to be used within their departments, but also available on call to fill requests placed by Region. *Cost is for personnel only not equipment B. Local government engines (1,000) rallied through CAL OES system. 4
What does mutual aid mean? When do we realize we need to start ordering additional resources? As our incident escalates, the dotted line represents the point when we will run out of resources directly at our disposal. At some point prior to that happening we need to call on mutual aid resources to help us get a handle on the fire. Those mutual aid resources will then be released first as the incident starts to wind down. 5
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM CALIFORNIA FIRE & RESCUE MUTUAL AID SYSTEM CAL OES Fire & Rescue Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops Regional Command Center This slide shows the two ordering systems side by side. The center double yellow line is impregnable in general however there are exceptions which we will illustrate later when we talk about agreements. Adjacent Forest or Unit Operational Area Command Center Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 6
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCIES USFS Cal Fire BLM NPS FWS BIA The left side of our double yellow line represents the forest agencies. 7
CALIFORNIA EMA MUTUAL AID SYSTEM Can request assistance on a day-to-day basis directly from other local fire agencies Utilizes appropriate auto-aid, boundary drop or other forms of Mutual Aid that is pre-planned Upon depletion of resources, makes requests directly to the Operational Area for additional resources CAL OES Fire & Rescue Regional Command Center The right side of our double yellow line represents local government agencies. Local fire agencies can request assistance on a day to day basis from nearby fire agencies. Rescue Fire helps Diamond Springs Fire in return Diamond Springs helps Rescue Fire. Pinky shake….I’ll help you, you help me. Pre-planned agreements between districts. If more help is needed the Operational Area will task other adjoining fire agencies to come to their aid. Operational Area Command Center Local Fire Agency 8
Where is that Operational Area? Every fire, regardless of jurisdiction, is located in a County. Every County is an Operational Area and has a three letter designator beginning with the letter “X” MOB Guide pg. 43-45 ½ Table of Contents for each forest, unit MOB Guide pg. 45 ½ - 47 CAL OES Op Area Table of Contents 173-203 Has CAL OES Operation Areas broken down by region *Ask your neighbor what county they live in. Using the table of contents, find your neighbors Op Area designator starting with an “X” 9
Operational Areas (Mutual Aid Area) Each county within a Region is an operational area (except LA and the Tahoe Basin). Example: Region IV has 12 operational areas The California Interagency Mobilization Guide shows this map Refer to MOB Guide pg. 28-29 breaks down regions w/contact names and numbers 10
The Los Angeles area is broken down into Areas A thru G because of the proximity of several large fire departments. 11
The Tahoe Basin does not fit the general definition of an operational area because so many counties are included in the Operational Area known as XTB.
CALIFORNIA EMA MUTUAL AID SYSTEM Operational Areas are generally consistent within a county boundary. Exceptions are the Tahoe Basin and the Los Angeles area. Receives requests from local agency and places them to fire departments within the county for fill. Can request up to five (5) Strike Teams/resources from neighboring Operational Areas one time Notifies Region that mutual aid resources are being requested Once resources are drawn down, places any additional requests up to Region for fill CAL OES Fire & Rescue Regional Command Center Read slide Operational Area Command Center Local Fire Agency 13
PLAYING YOUR TRUMP CARD OR PHONE A FRIEND An Operational Area can request up to five (5) strike teams or resources from one neighboring Operational Area ONE TIME Notify your Region Example shown illustrates an incident in San Bernardino County and how they could go to any adjoining Op Area for their one time request. Suppose a fire was burning in the San Bernardino National Forest, it is in the Operational area of San Bernardino County or XBO (page 201) Student A-stands-What county do you live in? Students look up X?? MOB Guide pg 45-47. Identifier for that county. Find your neighbors X-Box Student A states all counties that surround their county. Have student stand to represent each county. Use 31-34 since map is not clear on page 28 Student A has 5 balls to represent their 5 strike team/resources can order to adjoining units. Disperse. Who do you need to notify? 14
California National Forests
CALIFORNIA EMA MUTUAL AID SYSTEM There are six (6) Regions in the State consisting of 6 to 14 operational areas Receives requests from the Operational Area and places them to other Operational Areas within the Region for fill Can request up to five (5) strike teams/resources from neighboring Regions one time, per incident, utilizing closest resource concept for IA. Notifies Cal OES that mutual aid resources are being requested Once resources are drawn down, places any additional requests up to Cal OES for fill Cal OES Fire & Rescue Regional Command Center Read slide Operational Area Command Center Local Fire Agency 16
Mutual Aid Regions State is broken down into 6 geographic areas. Regions are depicted by Roman numerals I thru VI Self explanatory 17
PLAYING YOUR TRUMP CARD OR PHONE A FRIEND A Region can request up to five (5) strike teams/resources from one neighboring Regions ONE TIME per incident Notify State CAL OES Example shown illustrates an incident in Region 5 and how they could go to any adjoining Region for their one time request. Let’s say the fire was burning in Sequoia National Forest. It crosses 3 counties, Kern- Tulare-Fresno. We would create the orders and transfer them into the county the fire is burning. Since it is in Region V, this example is perfect for seeing how the region to region order is handled. 18
CALIFORNIA OES MUTUAL AID SYSTEM Receives requests from the Region and places them to other Regions within the State for fill Distributes requests based upon immediate need VS planned need CAL OES Fire & Rescue Regional Command Center Self explanatory Operational Area Command Center Local Fire Agency 19
STATE CAL OES Coordinator State places to Regions Makes additional requests Places to CAL OES Regional Command Center Regional Command Center Places to Region Region fills request Region places to Op Area Operational Area Command Center Operational Area Command Center Incident Op Area places to Local FD Op area fills request Places to Op Area Local FD fills request to incident Makes additional requests Makes additional requests Local forest fills request Makes resource request Local Fire Agency Local Forest Command Center 20
How and when does the double yellow line get crossed? WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM CALIFORNIA EMA MUTUAL AID SYSTEM How and when does the double yellow line get crossed? CAL OES Fire & Rescue Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops Regional Command Center If a fire is burning in a forest agencies jurisdiction, you would send your orders up the left hand side of the double yellow line. Likewise, if a fire is burning in a local government protection area, you would send your orders up the right hand side of the double yellow line. CAN YOU CROSS THE LINES? YES, using agreements. Other Forest or Unit Operational Area Command Center Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 21
Agreements….Who Pays? Master Mutual Aid CAL FIRE Mutual Aid (Formerly Seven Points of Light) California Fire Assistance Agreement California Fire Management Agreement Local Agreements MOB Guide-Section 40 22
MMA-Master Mutual Aid Statewide agreement between local government fire agencies to provide and request assistance between agencies. NO FINANCIAL REIMBURSEMENT Read slide…. Mutual aid means-FREE (no reimbursement) 23
CAL FIRE Mutual Aid (Formerly 7 Points of Light – As of 11/1/2010) Cal Fire Master Mutual Aid to Local Government for IA only. Exceeds local governments ability to control. Resources are necessary to prevent imminent or perceived imminent threat to life or property. Entities have made maximum use of locally available equipment. Read slide 24
CAL FIRE Mutual Aid-Cont “Closest resources” initiated through proper mutual aid channels. Federal fire resources are NOT part of the Master Mutual Aid Agreement. Assistance-by-hire or local agreement. Receiving agency provides all logistical support for mutual aid resources. 25
CFAA-California Fire Assistance Agreement Agreement between wildland fire agencies (Cal Fire, USFS, NPS, BIA, NPS, BLM, FWS) and local government agencies to perform the wildland fire agency’s mission. Local government available to USFS & Cal Fire for the first 12 hours, if greater than 12 hours then payment is retro active to the commitment time. This is how local government is available to a forest agencies fire. At 12 hours and one minute you are paid from the original commitment time. 26
CFMA-California Fire Management Agreement Agreement between the state (Cal Fire) and the federal agencies (USFS, BIA, NPS, BLM, FWS) to perform the wildland fire agency’s mission. Assistance by hire (by predetermined agreement) is provided on a full reimbursement basis. CFMA used to be the “4 Party Agreement” between 4 federal agencies. Generally for State and Federal agencies to fight fire on each others fires it is assistance by hire fully reimbursable. (Local agreements could over-ride this) 27
Local Agreements Subject to local area Can be multiple agreements in a given area. Ask, “Under what agreement?” Make sure to ask when you arrive in an expanded setting what agreements are in affect that you need to know about. *The Tahoe Basin is a perfect example of exceptions regarding agreements-The Sub-Geographic Agreement with Nevada, The Local Chiefs Agreement to name a couple. 28
Document, Document, Document! Notify, Notify, Notify! Document all agreements in ROSS Financial Code – Required for Local Government Documentation ROSS Business Practice 2014:12.7 Who requested the order. Who is authorized? IC ECC Expanded on behalf of the ECC/IC Who do you need to notify? Documentation is HUGE! Notification is HUGE! 29
ROSS-Financial Codes ROSS Financial Codes on new incident page and incident page 30
ROSS-Special Needs List the agreement in special needs. 31
ROSS-Documentation Record the agreement in Documentation. The key is to DOCUMENT so there is no question as to how the order is being paid. 32
Name Request Overhead Name Request to Forest Agency Fire MOB Guide – 204 (page 178) CAL OES Web-site – Ordering Manager If a forest agency is requesting a local government overhead request a “Name Request” form MUST be filled out and faxed to the appropriate agencies and regions.
CAL OES MUTUAL AID SYSTEM Local Government request for Cal Fire resources under the CAL Fire Mutual Aid - 7 points of light Typical for a LRA jurisdiction incident Some non wildland incidents Involves requests to Cal Fire only Cal Fire and CAL EMA duty officers need to be in the loop State CAL OES Regional Command Center Let’s look at some examples of when the yellow line is crossed. Read slide Operational Area Command Center Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 34
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Wildland fire agency can make requests to local agency under local agreements Agreements differ across the state Makes use of closest resource for IA Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops Another example Other Forest or Unit Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 35
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Once the wildland fire agency begins to exhaust their resources, or the incident dictates a need for closer resources, then a conscious decision must be made from the IC or ECC to place requests into the California Office of Emergency Services system. Other GACC or NICC U T F North Ops or South Ops Read slide and stress… Other Forest or Unit Wildland Fire Agency ECC 36
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM CALIFORNIA FIRE & RESCUE MUTUAL AID SYSTEM Other GACC or NICC CA MOB GUIDE 23.5 Mutual Aid: All requests for mutual aid resources begins at the local agency and are made to their respective CAL OES Operational Area Coordinator…. North Ops or South Ops Once a forest agency makes a decision to start placing orders thru the CAL EMA side, the orders are placed to the Op Area Command Centers Operational Area Command Center Other Forest or Unit Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 37
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM CALIFORNIA FIRE & RESCUE MUTUAL AID SYSTEM Other GACC or NICC Typically these requests are made during declared fire season and involve utilization of the California Fire Assistance Agreement - CFAA North Ops or South Ops CFAA-It’s how local government comes to play on a forest agency fire. ?? What is the payment rule for CFAA ?? Other Forest or Unit Operational Area Command Center Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 38
Entering the X Box Create your order in ROSS. From the pending events screen transfer the order into the Operational area that the fire is burning. These are listed under other resources. This will send the order into the X box side of ordering. Log in to the X Box side of ROSS and you will find the order sitting in pending events. Place the order up and then call the region overseeing that operational area. Now it is region’s hands and they will get those orders processed.
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Ponderosa Incident CA-AEU (SRA) Located in El Dorado County Incident orders 3 Type 1 Engine Strike Teams under CFAA for structure defense in El Dorado County Ponderosa Ordering places to CA- AEU CA-AEU fills 1 Strike Team as CA- XED and places the remaining 2 Strike Teams into the CAL OES system Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops Read scenario Other Forest or Unit Operational Area Command Center Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 40
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM If CA-XED is unable to fill with resources from within Op Area, then: They may place a ONE TIME order to any adjacent Op Area Place it up to Region IV Makes Notification to CAL OES Fire Duty Officer WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Other GACC or NICC Region IV Command Center North Ops or South Ops El Dorado County Op Area Command Center-XED Since XED can only fill one strike team, it can do one of two things to fill the other two. Place to an adjoining Op Area Place to Region Other Forest or Unit Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 41
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Wildcat Incident CA-LPF Located in Ventura County Incident orders four Type 1 Engine Strike Team under CFAA for structure defense in Ventura County Wildcat Ordering places to CA- LPF Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops Other Forest or Unit Operational Area Command Center Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 42
WILDLAND FIRE AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Wildcat Incident CA-LPF Located in Ventura County Incident orders 4 Type 1 Engine Strike Teams under CFAA for structure defense in Ventura County Wildcat ordering places to CA- LPF Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops CA-LPCC places to CA-XVE Ventura Operational Area Command Center Other Forest or Unit Wildland Fire Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 43
FOREST AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Wildcat Incident CA-LPF Located in Ventura County Incident orders 4 Type 1 Engine Strike Team under CFAA for structure defense in Ventura County Wildcat ordering places to CA- LPF FOREST AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Other GACC or NICC North Ops or South Ops CA-XVE fills order with resources from within Op Area Ventura Operational Area Command Center Other Forest or Unit Forest Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 44
FOREST AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM If CA-XVEC is unable to fill with resources from within Op Area, then: They may place a ONE TIME order to any adjacent Op Area Place it up to Region I CA-CR01 Makes Notification to CAL OES Fire Duty Officer FOREST AGENCY COMMAND & CONTROL ORDERING SYSTEM Other GACC or NICC Region I Command Center North Ops or South Ops Ventura Operational Area Command Center Other Forest or Unit Forest Agency ECC Local Fire Agency 45
From: Wildcat Ordering To: Wildcat Expanded From: Wildcat Ordering Order 4 type 1 Strike Teams for Structure Defense, immediate need, to report to Wildcat ICP at Wildcat Campground. 213 Example… is it complete? 46
Questions from expanded Have you made it clear who is paying? Under what agreement is this order? How should this order go thru the system? Are there any other questions you need to ask? Confirm any details before you create the order so it can be documented in ROSS. 47
Cal Fire Release Priority List 8100 Manual 1. Local Government 2. CAL OES Engines 3. Federal Government Military 4. California National Guard 5. Hired Persons and Equipment 6. Other Agencies (USFS, BLM, etc) 7. Out of Region CAL FIRE 8. EFF Crews (AD, FC42 workers) 9. In Region CAL FIRE 10. Local unit CAL FIRE Per the CAL FIRE 8100 manual, releases should occur in the following order. 48
Not all Op Areas are ROSS Sites Contract counties are all ROSS sites MOB Guide – pg 32-34 When placing an order to an Op Area that is not a ROSS site, you need to notify the Region in which the Op Area resides If you have CAL OES Regional responsibilities, then you will have to act of behalf of that non-ROSS site Turn to pg 31-34 to see who has ROSS. Where do you need to go if that Op Area does not have ROSS? Region… Yes! 49
CAL OES REGION CHIEFS Region I - Ishmael Messer (805)358-1123 Region II N – John Salvate (707)853-6150 Region II S - John Clary (925)381-5526 Region III - Pat O’Bannon (530)945-4066 Region IV - Gary Humphrey (916)952-5214 Region V – Bill Bondshu (559)284-1580 Region VI – Art Torrez (916)642-3838 Region Chiefs 51