Why to Learn Spanish? Exploring the World Through Language Web Quest
Introduction Who's learning Spanish these days? For starters, residents of the United States, a bunch not known for conquering monolingualism, are studying Spanish in record numbers. Spanish, too, is becoming of greater importance in Europe, where it often the foreign language of choice after English. And it's no wonder that Spanish is a popular second or third language: with some 400 million speakers, it's the fourth most commonly spoken language in the world (after English, Chinese and Hindustani), and according to some counts it has more native speakers than English does. It is an official language on four continents and is of historical importance elsewhere.'
Task Explore the following statements: Better understanding of English Knowing your neighbors Travel Cultural Understanding Learning other languages It’s easy and fun Employment opportunities
Task II Make a list of four reasons that would validate each statement. Illustrate each one of the original statements. Develop a short dialog representing each one of the reasons provided.
Self Reflection Journal Develop the following question: How do I see myself in the future after learning Spanish as a foreign language? Prepare a Power Point presentation to show your answer
Resources /a/whylearnspanish.htmhttp://spanish.about.com/cs/forbeginners /a/whylearnspanish.htm ons.htmhttp:// ons.htm anish.htmhttp:// anish.htm school.com.mx/learnspanish.htmlhttp:// school.com.mx/learnspanish.html
Resources II for presentations /template.tphttp:// /template.tp
Evaluation All group members receive one grade based on following: 50% - A good match between statements and valid reasons found to learn Spanish. 25% - Creative presentation in the target language using all the researched information. 25% - Self reflection journal