S&T cooperation Mediterranean and EU countries Spanish proposal Casablanca, 17th November 2009 Dr Angeles Rodríguez-Peña Deputy European Programmes Ministry.


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Presentation transcript:

S&T cooperation Mediterranean and EU countries Spanish proposal Casablanca, 17th November 2009 Dr Angeles Rodríguez-Peña Deputy European Programmes Ministry Science and Innovation

2 European policy towards the Mediterranean countries: Frame and opportunities Instruments of Regional (EU-MPC) Cooperation ENPI 343,3 M€ ENPI-CBC (Cross Border Cooperation) FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership RTD is high priority in several actions, notably the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development, including Horizon 2020 (aimed to decontaminating the Mediterranean Sea) the integration of the energy, transport, ICT and research markets

3 INTERFACE INFRASTRUCTURES ENTREPRENEURSHIP INNOVATION The main goals: (1) to generate the human capital (2) to encourage knowledge creation; (3) to translate scientific and technological capabilities into social and economic welfare and (4) to promote cooperation among actors with different functions, institutional and governance characteristic An integrated vision: the value of knowledge RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES SOCIETY UNIVERSITIES & PUBLIC RESEARCH CENTERS HIGHER EDUCATION

4 Principles for the cooperation Three basic principles are proposed to support the initiatives and policies: (1) Integrated vision of the “Knowledge” policies (2) Analysis of thematic priorities, instruments and financial support (3) Synergies with other policies

5 Definition of the Thematic priorities 1.Shared interest by the EU and the Mediterranean countries 2.To contribute to the actual/global challenges 3.Based on the priorities defined by the UfM with specific activities for R+D in each of them

6 Knowledge is key to support all the UfM initiatives A.De-pollution of the Mediterranean B.Maritime and Land Highways C.Civil Protection D.Alternative Energies: Mediterranean Solar Plan E.The Mediterranean Business Development Initiative F.Higher Education and Research, Euro-Mediterranean University Specific priorities implemented and monitored by the UfM: Is there is a need for a revision or adjustment?

7 Specific Spanish Proposals 1.Creation of the Technical Office for Scientific Cooperation EU-MPC to foster the dialogue among the stakeholders to impulse the actions necessary to create the Research domain of the Euro-Mediterranean Space of Higher Education and Research support to the specific projects approved up to now and those that will be launched in the future and its governance Moreover, it should collaborate in creating the interface between research, innovation and higher education.

8 Specific Spanish Proposals 2. To focus thematically on Enviroment and Climate Change, and in particular: Understanding, modeling and predicting the impacts of human activities on the environmental status of the Mediterranean Sea Coast and continental shelf. Why: We need more marine research infrastructure to observe and understand impact of human activities and climate change on marine environment Issues are interdisciplinary and our research programmes are thematic Seas are shared and require funding beyond capacites of single countries Need for new governance since it is multi-sector scientific and industrial communities

9 The Integrated Maritime Policy “ A European Strategy for Marine and Maritime research: A coherent European Research Area Framework in support of a sustainable usse of oceans and seas” The European Union’s ambitious Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSFD (adopted in June 2008) Towards an Integrated Maritime Policy for better governance in the Mediterranean (Communication from the Commission, September 2009) Considering the importance of the Research needs in the Mediterranean in a global change perspective:  Sustainability Science  Monitoring and the use of scientific data for decision making  Maritime governance systems Marine and Maritime Research and Innovation: a keystone

10 From MoCo November 17, 2009: Working Group with the Presidency countries plus Commission 1st draft of Ministerial Declaration and supporting document: mid-December Comments from UfM countries by mid January 2nd draft to be distributed mid February 14th MoCo March 4 and 5, Alicante, Spain Ministerial Conference, Slovenia April 25-26, 2010 Working proposal for Ministerial Conference