Statewide System of Support The Ohio Story: Federal Response.


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Presentation transcript:

Statewide System of Support The Ohio Story: Federal Response

Statewide System of Support Issues based on ED Monitoring No Statewide System of Support or a disorganized structure; Missing elements of the Statewide System of Support; Lack of LEA understanding regarding the Statewide System of Support; and Lack of documentation to support the use of School Improvement funds under Section 1003

Ohio’s Statewide System of Support The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) met the statutory requirements regarding its Statewide System of Support when it was monitored in 2007

So What is Ohio Doing Right? Ohio is appropriately implementing Section 1117 of the ESEA which requires SEA’s to establish a Statewide System of Support that meets the following requirements: Providing LEAs with intensive and sustained support for Title I schools in corrective action, restructuring, improvement, or in need of support;

Ensuring that the Statewide System of Support works with and receives support from the comprehensive regional technical assistance centers and regional educational laboratories; Establishing school support teams; Designating and using distinguished Title I teachers and principals who have been successful in improving academic achievement; and

Devising additional approaches to providing assistance (i.e. institutions of higher education, educational service agencies, other local consortia, or private providers of scientifically based technical assistance).

What are Key Strengths of Ohio’s Approach? Figuring out how to consolidate funds from different programs without violating supplement versus supplant requirements of the Federal statutes Coordinating service delivery across four major SEA offices and with school districts Focusing on building district and school capacity to meet needs of its schools (increasing sustainability) Establishing single points of contact for each regional service center

What are Key Strengths of Ohio’s Approach? Partnering with Institutions of Higher Education and others Using technology as a tool in planning Providing feedback to districts Evaluating the effectiveness of the system

Bitten by the Bug! Parallels at U.S. ED We are continuing our work on developing assessment guidance and policy working with ODS, OGC, OSEP, OELA and OESE We are coordinating the development of guidance for SEA’s on Response to Intervention with ODS, OGC, OSEP, OELA and OESE We are moving the Title III Consolidated Grant Program to the Title I office for better coordination of assessment/accountability policies and program delivery We are communicating on a weekly basis with our state contacts to keep them apprised of program developments, policy letters, staffing changes, etc. Starting to shift the focus from just compliance to program quality