Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme 28 th October 2010 Crèche
This presentation covers…… Context Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme Present Status Issues
CONTEXT… Sustained initiatives on education and employment of women Increased opportunities for employment of women both, within and outside the home Globalisation and large scale migration - disintegration of the joint family system - rapid increase in nuclear families As per Census % households are joint, supplemented nuclear or broken extended families 52% households are nuclear or single parent
1/7 th of the female population – main workers lakh women work in the organized sector Legislations makes provision of day care mandatory in the organised sector: Factories Act 1948 Mines Act, 1952 Plantation Act, 1951 Unorganised Sector largely unserviced CONTEXT contd… 1/2
Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme Launched in 2006 Target Group Children of working mothers- mainly in the unorganized sector Age group 0-6 years Families with a monthly income of less than Rs 12,000 per annum
Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme Services Supplementary nutrition Emergency health care Pre-school education Care up to eight hours per day Monitoring Internal monitoring by mother NGOs External monitoring by 18 agencies
RGNCS- mode of implementation Central Sector Scheme implemented by Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) and its State arms - State Social Welfare Boards (SSWB) Two national level mother NGOs – Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) and Bharatiya Adam Jati Seva Sangh (BAJSS) (Post complaints regarding irregularities in functioning and management, BAJSS creches, have been transferred to CSWB)
Number of Creches Implementing AgencyNumber of Creches CSWB16075 BAJSS – temporarily run by CSWB 1221 ICCW5303 Total22599
RGNCS- mode of implementation Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) Financial assistance provided to voluntary organizations on recommendation of State Social Welfare Board SSWB: Identifies NGOs for running the crèches NGO identifies location of crèche and crèche worker SSWB field officers assess requirement of crèche and suitability of worker Monitoring through field worker Involvement of State Government /District administration introduced under new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
SOP– Involvement of State Governments Establishing credibilty of NGOs Review of pre-funding appraisal report by SSWB in consultation with State Government Monitoring – District level monitoring committee headed by District Magistrate Local Committees with Patwari, Govt. School teacher/Village level worker, representative of Village Panchayat
RGNCS- mode of implementation Indian Council of Child Welfare (ICCW) 32 State /UT Councils (SCCWs) and District Councils (DCCWs) SCCWs consist of elected representatives from life members of ICCW Some DCCWs headed by District Collectors/ District Magistrates Setting up, managing and monitoring of Crèches through SCCWs/ DCCWs Local Committees for monitoring
Issues – Ensuring Quality of Services Sample inspection of crèches has shown Significant number of crèches non-existent Gaps in provision of services Running time only 4-5 hours instead of 8 hours Inappropriate target group: very few children of- 0-3 years Working mothers Inspection of crèches by State Government to assess quality
Issues – Assessment of Demand Developing procedures for determining demand Use of census data Involvement of District Administration Coverage of slum clusters in urban areas Coverage of women in unorganized areas (agriculture/ industrial/ construction/ migrant labour etc.) Proof of Concept to be developed in association with selected States
Issues – Mode of Expansion Options – A. Through existing mother agencies B. New creches through State Governments C. De veloping synergies with Anganwadi centres Similar target group and services Different working hours Pooling of resources possible