Cultural Considerations Daniel Rogers Malgorzata Puzczynski
Cultural Diversity Symbolism is important consideration –Intimate scenes between men and women are considered bad taste in Japan and are outlawed in Saudi Arabia. Be aware of how ads strike viewers in other cultures. –Nike Ads too “in your face” for Japan Partial nudity and same-sex couples common in Latin America but would face boycotts of product in US.
Food Food is the product category that is most likely to evoke cultural sensitivity. –Heinz product and advertising had to change for different countries. Ads in Greece show ketchup poured over eggs, pasta, and cuts of meat. Europe prefers a spicier ketchup.
Class Divisions Historically, class divisions were a major part of British culture and have caused trouble for foreigners establishing business in the U.K. Managers and laborers would not see eye-to-eye.
Language Issues In the 1980’s Japanese companies would not set up operations in Canada because of it’s bilingualism and opened in US instead. Now those companies realize that in America, learning Spanish is becoming increasingly necessary.
Language Issues Slang –“piece of cake” translates to “portion of pastry” in Spanish. Generational Differences –“my bad” vs “beg your pardon” Look at words in your marketing material and presentations and consider substituting words that reference a specific culture.
Choosing Translators The best translators can do precise translations and add artistic flair. Ask for references, find examples of translations. Beware of translators advertising 4 or 5 languages. Speaking is easier than writing. When working with a translating company be sure to meet the translator they assign to you. If project involves classified material, be sure translator has clearance from the government.
Language Issues Bilingual website Price lists may want to be offered in different currencies.
Cultural Considerations Avoid taboo subjects. –Don’t bring up Nagasaki in Japan. Might be slightly painful. Don’t be overly familiar -Americans tend to be touchy feely, and don’t recognize rank or position. This should especially be considered in Asian cultures. Be early or on time for meetings, even in cultures that are not as strict about timeliness.