译林牛津版高一必修 3 Unit2 Language. Welcome to the unit.
What’s your native tongue? Can you speak any other languages? Brainstorming (1)
Greetings in different languages Glückliches Neues Jahr! あけましておめでとうございます ! Bonne Année! Happy New Year! 新年快乐 !
handshake hug shake nod bow
Do you know how many languages there are in the world? Do all the languages have their written forms?
Do you know the raised dots below? www. Google. com Braille
Louis Braille was born in 1809 in France. When he was young, he had an accident. Then he became blind. It was he who invented Braille. Who is he? Braille:
Do you think that language is the only way people communicate? What other methods of communication can you think of?
body language Eye contact Ok gesture Thumbs-up Shaking heads; Nodding heads Different greeting gestures
Other means of communication Emoticons Eye contact Gestures Facial expressions Emotion + icon=emoticon Communication with people’s eyes a movement of the hands, arms or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling Feelings are reflected on the faces
Guess the meaning of the each following emoticons :- ) = :-( = sadness :-O = surprise :-D = great joy :-P = making a face :~-( = crying 8-) = A man who is wearing glasses is smiling.
Gestures by hand Thumbs up! Thumbs down! Ok! Victory/win Applause Call me!
Guess the mood from the facialexpressions confused sad angryhappy tired
Do animals have their own language to communicate? Have you ever seen the communication between animals?
Animal language Like human beings, animals need to communicate with each other to survive. They do not speak to each other in the same way as we do; instead they use many different sounds and actions to express themselves. For example, bees make a buzzing noise, lions and bears growls, cats miaow, and dogs bark. If you see a cat standing with its back arched, head lowered or legs bent, it could be scared. If a dog growls at you, it probably is angry and you should be careful. Animal language is simpler than human language, but it shows how intelligent animals are.
Communication between animals
Task Guess the mood of the dog I am alert. I am scared. I am very happy. I am angry.
Discussion For the advanced technology today, people tend to use to Internet more than before. Someone even believe that one day the communication through internet will replace all the traditional communicative means. Do you think so? Why or why not?
Language points
survey your classmates body language Chinese characters transmit the information the various forms of--- a special Internet language stand for sign language inform sb.about sth. 调查你的同学 身体语言 汉字 传送信息 不同种类的 --- 一种特殊的网络语言 代表 比手划脚的肢体语言 ; 手语, 指语 通知某人某事
transmitted transmitted transmitting vt. 播送,发射;传送,传递 ;输送 The telegraph transmits messages to all parts of the world. 电报把信息传达到世界地。 The news will be transmitted by radio. 这消息将由电台播送。 They transmitted the revolutionary tradition to the younger generation. 他们把革命 (revolutionary) 传统传给了年轻一代。
· Metal transmits electricity. 金属导电。 · transmit...to... 把 … 传到(送到) … 地方 · With the development of modern electrical engineering, we can transmit power to wherever it is needed. 随着现代电力工程的发展,我们能把电力输送到需要电力的任何地 方。
Homework Just as our Chinese, English also has a long history. After class, please do some research work to find out how the English language has been developing.