2 Stories of Money A presentation by Robin Upton. Last Modified: Latest version at Attribution – NonCommercial - ShareAlike V1.2 A Brief History of Plutocracy AE 9 01 :
The Public Story of Money = measure of productivity = independent of political/legal systems = medium of exchange = safe store of value Private un tracting tribute complicity with plutocracy timately connected to The modern money system is shrouded in misinformation. The stories begin...
The Stories Begin... Primeval Growing Population The Tribe Food Violence Orders Money Labour Isolated Hunter Gatherers
Primeval Growing Population. 10,000 B.C. Agriculture Inter-tribe Conflicts, First Resource Shortages The Rest Warriors
10,000 B.C. Agriculture ½ B.C. Rules & Rulers Artisans Agriculture => Settlements Settlements => Possessions
9,999 ½ B.C. Rules & Rulers Local Currencies Rulers Effective Food Storage needs Rules Agriculture increases group size (>150)
Local Currencies Forced Standardisation Larger communities embody Good Will in Standardised objects Foundation of Plutocracy: Rich materially separated from Poor
Forced Standardisation Bank Of England, Ltd. Acceptability for Royal Taxes defines ‘Good money’ Royal Goldsmiths Trade & travel standardise currency over wider areas
1694 Bank Of England, Ltd.. War Management as Business Legalisation of Fractional Reserve System Private Credit Monopoly “The borrower is slave to the lender.” Class of International Central Bankers emerges... The single most important step in the formation of plutocracy, omitted from most standard histories.
≥C18 th War Management as Business C19 th Rise of Corporations warring governments must agree to repay their enemies' loans... So whoever 'won', wars were lucrative for inter-national financiers. When borrowing money to raise armies, International Financiers/Arms Dealers Divide & Conquer...
≥C19 th Rise Of Corporations Mass Compulsion Schooling 1819: Corporate Charters 'Inviolable' (US) 1886: Doctrine of 'Legal Personhood’ (US) : 1,800 Corporations merged into 157 (US) 1855: Limitation of 'Legal Liability' (UK) 1844: Easy creation of 'Corporations' (UK) Citizens' rights usurped by corporations Corporations awarded special legal status
C20 th Mass Compulsion Schooling Abstraction = Dumbing Down by Corporations & Governments Loyalty to Money trumpeted over other value sets “Economic Literacy” Citizenship History ‘Rationality = Self-Interest’
Commodity Money Increasing Abstraction Globalisation Fiat Money Precious Metal Coins Locally Made Artefacts Unique, Personal Gift / IOU Digital Data : US Abandons of The Gold Standard Financial Vehicles
“Globalisation” Politicians rubber stamp a Supra-national Financial Monoculture Invisible Hand = Universal Self-Interest Divide & Conquer Plutocracy – 21 st Century Style MAI,NAFTA,WTO,GATT,IMF,FTAA...
Two Stories of Money Politicians Enforcers Atomised Consumers Corporations c Media-Academic-Terrorist- Military-Industrial-Complex C21 st Institutionalised Plutocracy C21 st Institutionalised Plutocracy
The Public Story of Money = measure of productivity = independent of political/legal systems = medium of exchange = safe store of value Private un tracting tribute complicity with plutocracy timately connected to The modern money system is shrouded in misinformation. As this falls away, people are realising the system’s injustice. What to Do...?
What to do... ? Don’t fight the beast... Just stop feeding it! Prepare for the coming collapse by avoiding use of money.