The Israelites trace their origins. God spoke to Abraham, telling him to leave and go settle his family in Canaan the area that later became Israel. Like most early people, the Mesopotamia worshipped many gods. They all prayed to different gods for different things.
The lydians lived in an area northwest of Phoenicia. The ancient land of lydia was located on the western part of peninsula. Today the country of turkey occupies the peninsula Lydia was a land rich in natural recourses. The Lydians carved the side of their coins so no one could shave the money and sell it.
Phoenicians lived on a narrow strip of land that is now the coastal areas of Lebanon Mountains. Phoenicia consists to separate city states. The Phoenicians trade goods and exchange knowledge. Phoenicians city-states enjoy their greatest power and prosperity.
Each satrap provided the Persians emperor with tribute. Most often the tributes took the form of soldiers. Xerxes continued to expand the Persian empire. After Xerxes died, the Persians Empire began to decline.
Darius was the organizer. Cyrus was the Empire Builder Isaac was the son of Abraham Cyrus was the one who was responsible for the building in the Persian empire.
The Jewish frame of reference of the Jewish tradition. The Christian frame of reference of the Christian tradition the Hebrew bible is referred to as the old testament. In the frame of reference of the Islamic tradition it is the Qur'an that contains the most scared writing. To the Christians both the old testament and the new testament are holy books.