I NFER FROM THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE WHY IT ’ S IMPORTANT TO STUDY HISTORY... “ Everything we have, all our great institutions, hospitals, universities, libraries, this city, our laws, our music, art, poetry, our freedoms, everything is because somebody went before us and did the hard work... Indifference to history isn’t just ignorant, it’s rude. It’s a form of ingratitude.” - David McCullough 2
By explaining why things happened in the past, historians can help us understand what is going on today & what may happen tomorrow. 3
W HAT DO WE USE TO STUDY H ISTORY ? Primary & Secondary Sources 4
W HAT IS A P RIMARY S OURCE ? primary source – firsthand information about people or events. Eyewitness accounts (diaries & letters) Government documents (laws or court decisions) Public speeches Autobiographies Photographs or video tapes Art objects Stamps Coins Clothing Interviews w/people recalling the past 5
T HINGS TO WATCH WHEN READING PRIMARY SOURCES : Authenticity – the quality or condition of being genuine. Bias – a leaning toward or against a certain person, group, or idea. 6
W HAT IS A S ECONDARY S OURCE ? secondary source – an account provided after the fact by people who did not directly witness or participate in the event. *Usually based on primary sources* Textbook Encyclopedias Biographies Books or articles written by historians 7
T HE L ION K ING According to Rafiki, we have two options when in comes to the past... 8