Resources for Teaching students with Learning Disabilities Devorah Bunton EDUC 504 Fall Click here for Welcomehere
In the United States the number of students identified as having disabilities continues to grow each year. Many of these students are taught for at least part of the school day in a regular education classroom. in the least restrictive environment.
Teachers may need to identify resources in order to best educate students with disabilities in their classroom. Technology may be one of the resources teachers may use. Assistive technology refers to the variety of devices and services that help people with disabilities perform better in their daily lives.
Summary Findings: Six web-sites were reviewed SERI Special Needs and Technology Resources LDonline teAchnology NCIP The Wisconsin Center for Education Research Education World tml tml
The Special Needs and Technology Resources web-site, It is a collection of internet accessible information resources. Lists software packages that can be used in the classroom for reading, creative writing, reading comprehension & expression. Such as: EarobicsEarobics may be used to develop phonological awareness. Simon Sounds it outSimon Sounds it out includes sequential lessons to develop decoding skills, blending and segmenting skills. Study DogStudy Dog A free program to work on early literacy skills.
LDonline This web-site may be used by educators is to learn more about the commercial software products available to them that will fit the specific needs of their students. Reading Software: Finding the Right Program links to the reading matrix posted on the National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI) website that serves as a database of both published research and commercial products, reviewed for universal design features that benefit students with reading challenges.National Center for Technology Innovation
Software Products ReviewedProducts
teAchnologyteAchnology Has a teacher resource section on special education that includes links for assistive technology web-sites, professional literature on inclusion & individual education plans (IEP’s). Links include: Adaptive Technology for ComputersAdaptive Technology for Computers- Offers programs, professional development, and resources for assistive technology. Assistive Technology, Inc.Assistive Technology, Inc.- Some of the latest assistive technology products. IntelliTools, Inc.IntelliTools, Inc.- A leading provider of hardware and software giving students with special needs comprehensive access to learning. National Assistive Device CenterNational Assistive Device Center- Offers a wide variety of assistive devices.
The National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education through Technology Media and Materials, NCIP Library: A collection of resources about technology and special education. Video Profiles: Videos of students using assistive and instructional technologies. Spotlight on Voice Recognition: The ins and outs of using voice recognition technology to address writing difficulties. Links: Links to other special education and technology resources.
NCIP Library MultimediaMultimedia: Includes hypermedia tools and instructional programs that incorporate a range of media to address the needs of students with various learning styles. Organizing ToolsOrganizing Tools: Learn about software-based tools that can help students with learning difficulties organize information for deeper understanding and enhanced expression. Word PredictionWord Prediction: Learn about a unique software feature that can assist students with physical and learning impairments in developing their written language skills.
The Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), A project on “Advancing the Math Skills of Low- Achieving Adolescents in Technology Rich Learning Environments.” The WCER has created a CD-ROM that can be used by teachers in the classroom that includes a video entitled, “Fraction of the Cost.” Click on TEAM products to view:TEAM products Video (English) Video (Spanish) Teachers Manual Learning Tools Related Problems
Education World By clicking the link for general resources, you will be presented with three sections: Assistive TechnologyAssistive Technology: This page of the Parents Community’s Kids with Special Needs Section offers basic information on assistive technology resources. Technology in the ClassroomTechnology in the Classroom: This will link you to Education World’s technology related articles. The Technology CenterThe Technology Center: This section is devoted to educational technology, and has special sections for students, teachers, and administrators.
Under Narrowing the Gap in Academics Speaking to Write A federally funded project which supports the use of voice recognition technology for students with disabilities. The site also has links to related resources and sites.links Mindplay, Special software for a variety of learning disabilites. Includes a free online reading assessment test. HELP Read: the Freeware Reader Project HELP Read™ is FREE software that reads along with you while you do the reading. This program may be able to help students read more and understand more of what they read.
Conclusion Technology is one resource available to teachers that may be used in the classroom. By spending time on the internet teachers will likely be able to find information that they need for use in their classroom. By incorporating technology into the classroom often time special needs students learners are able to keep pace with their peers.
Six web-sites were reviewed tml _ed/assistive/index.shtml
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