I NTEGRATING Q UOTES INTO YOUR WRITING Misquotations are the only quotations that are never misquoted
I NTRODUCE YOUR QUOTES Direct quotations cannot stand alone Cannot be sentences without your own words cushioning them Quotations without lead-ins are like fish out of water Incorrect Example: There are many instances throughout the novel when the characters believe they understand love. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same…” (Bronte 80). Correct Example: There are many instances throughout the novel when the characters believe they understand love. For example, Catherine fervently proclaims her love for the vagabond Healthcliff when she says, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same…” (Bronte 80). Here is your lead-in!
D O NOT JUST REPEAT OR PARAPHRASE A QUOTE Do not paraphrase or repeat the quote BEFORE you insert it into your paragraph Incorrect Example: Catherine announces to Nelly that she would degrade herself is she marries Heathcliff when she says, “It would degrade me to marry Healthcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him…” (Bronte 80). Correct Example: Catherine’s sole reason for turning her back on true love is because she feels as though he is beneath her. For example, she confesses to Nelly, “It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him…” (Bronte 80).
C ITE YOUR QUOTATIONS For a novel or short story it will look like this: (author page number) (Golding125). For a play it will look like this: (Act.Scene.Line.). (II. iv. 46). Use Roman Numerals! PERIOD goes on the OUTSIDE of parenthesis!!!!
U SE SHORT PIECES OF QUOTES TO BLEND IN WITH YOUR OWN THOUGHTS Quotations do not always have to be elaborate, long, or the center of attention all the time You can make them a part of your own words by inserting them if they fit perfectly with what you want to say Your quotes should NOT be longer than three lines for this short, THREE page essay! Nice Examples: Catherine feels she and her future husband, Linton, are as different “as a moonbeam from lightening, or frost from fire” (Bronte 80). Catherine boldly admits that she has “no more business to marry Edgar Linton than [she] have to be in heaven” (Bronte 80).
P LEASE NOTE … If you ever want to use quotes in this way, but the original quote doesn’t sound right in your sentences (different verb tense, first-person instead of third-person, etc.), you can make changes! You have the freedom to make necessary changes using brackets [ ] and ellipses … For example: Original quote from Wuthering Heights : “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same; and Linton’s is as different as a moonbeam from lighting, or frost from fire” (Bronte127). Possible changes: Catherine boldly admits, “Whatever our souls are made of, his [Heathcliff’s] and mine are the same … ” (Bronte 80). This will help you manipulate the quotes so that they support your points!
F INAL D O S AND DON ’ T S DO use variety with structure and wording! Words to use instead of “says” include: States Claims Shows Demonstrates Argues Proclaims Replies Suggests Proves DON’T use quotations back to back ! DON’T use quotations in the first sentence of a supporting paragraph!!!! DON’T use quotations as the last sentence of a supporting paragraph!!!!
Now that you are well- informed on how to properly use quotations, let’s practice!!!
C ORRECT THE FOLLOWING QUOTES : 1. Nelly describes Catherine’s impatience and agitation when Heathcliff runs off. “Catherine would not be persuaded into tranquility. She kept wandering to and fro, from the gate to the door…” (Bronte 84). 2. Create a lead-in for the following quote from Lord of the Flies, “They were used now to stomachaches and a sort of chronic diarrhea” (Golding 59). 3. Jack’s indifference to the importance of the fire is seen throughout. “ ‘You’re nuts about the fire’ ” (Golding 107). 4. Piggy has had enough with the boys’ shenanigans. “ ‘What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?’ ” (Golding 91).
C ORRECT THE FOLLOWING QUOTES : 5. Create a lead-in for the following quote, “ ‘Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got!’ ” (Golding 91). 6. Create a lead-in and break this quote down, “Simon discovered that he had spoken aloud. He opened his eyes quickly and there was the head grinning amusedly in the strange daylight, ignoring the flies, the spilled guts, even ignoring the indignity of being spiked on a stick” (Golding 137). 7. The narrator describes Jack’s physical appearance as chief. “A savage raised his hand and the chief turned a bleak, painted face toward him” (Golding 160). 8. Create a lead-in and break this quote done, “ ‘You can see, I’m goin’ to say, and with both eyes. But I don’t ask for my glasses back, not as a favor. I don’t ask you to be a sport, I’ll say, not because you’re strong, but because what’s right’s right’ ” (Golding 171).