2014 Blood Shortage Mock Exercise Orientation Testing the Ontario Contingency Plan for the Management of Blood Shortages Version 2 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care January 2014
Objectives To help hospitals understand their role in the 2014 provincial blood shortage mock exercise To provide an overview of the following: Purpose of the exercise Overview of the exercise Expectations of participants Goals
Ontario Plan Version 2 and Toolkit
Purpose To test 4 aspects of the Ontario Plan Version 2 1)Notification process for a provincial blood shortage 2)Activation of each hospital’s emergency blood management plan (HEBMP) 3)Redistribution networks established in the province 4)Operations of the Ministry Emergency Operations Centre (MEOC)
Overview WHEN? Sometime during the week of February 3, 2014 FOR HOW LONG? 1 day WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? All Ontario hospitals with a transfusion service OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Canadian Blood Services (CBS), MOHLTC Blood Programs Coordinating Office (BPCO) and Emergency Management Branch (EMB), and the Ontario Emergency Blood Management Committee (OEBMC)
Overview cont’d Transfusion Medicine contacts will be notified by CBS; and the senior administration and medical staff should be notified of the exercise through your internal communication process All notifications for the exercise will have the heading: ‘SIMULATION’ Exercise is intended to be paper based and should not impact patient care, e.g. no adjustment to scheduled surgeries, etc.
Participant Expectations Prior to the exercise: Review the Ontario Plan Version 2 and Toolkit and ensure that the hospital emergency blood management plan (HEBMP) is current During the exercise: Initiate the HEBMP e.g. hold hospital emergency blood management committee (HEBMC) meetings, triage blood orders (simulated), document deferrals or cancellations and any other decisions that your hospital would have made if it was a real situation Participate in the CBS teleconferences that will be scheduled throughout the day After the exercise: Complete and submit the post-exercise survey (within 72 hours) Conduct local debrief with HEBMC and/or Transfusion Committee
Who should be involved at your hospital? Transfusion Medicine Laboratory staff and Transfusion Medicine Medical Director Members of the local hospital emergency blood management committee (HEBMC) CEO and Medical Advisory Committee Others as required
Goals To determine if gaps identified in 2010 exercise have been addressed To highlight what went well To identify gaps or opportunities for improvement at the hospital, blood supplier and ministry
Limitations This exercise will NOT test the communication to patients or to the public
Resources emergency_blood/ Use this link to download the following from the Transfusion Ontario Website: Ontario Plan Version 2 Hospital Toolkit for Emergency Blood Management 2010 Simulation Exercise Report
Additional Resources National Plan for the Management of Shortages of Labile Blood Components shortages-plan-Jan-2012-final.pdf shortages-plan-Jan-2012-final.pdf Emergency Framework for massively bleeding patients during a red phase blood shortage framework-final.pdf framework-final.pdf Synopsis for Triage Team triage-team.pdf triage-team.pdf