Strategic Plan 2011 Governance Michael Spence
›teaching with research ›the disciplines with each other ›the University with its communities 2 engaged enquiry
mutual accountability ›a new structure for governance ›a new financial accountability ›a new balance of client-supplier and owner-operator support services 3
mutual accountability 4 SenateSEG Division: Faculty Faculty Faculty Academic Board
the functions of the boards ›strategic plan and risk register ›curriculum and research cooperation ›encouraging sharing of resources ›proposal of new courses to SEG and the Academic Board ›approval of new appointments ›budgetary responsibility ›accountability for financial and academic health of group 5
the size, shape and activity audit ›the faculty and divisional strategic plans 6
principles for the operation of the boards ›membership ›chair ›secretariat ›meeting schedule ›relationship with SEG 7
the functions of SEG ›strategic plan and risk register ›oversight of all major initiatives falling within the remit of the committees ›curriculum development and research cooperation ›capital projects and space planning ›budgetary responsibility ›review and approval of divisional strategic plans ›approval of University policy ›systematic reviews of the faculties with the relevant division and the Academic Board ›accountability to Senate 8
SEG committee structure ›composition ›chairmanship ›secretariat 9 SEG Education and Research Training CurriculumResearch Finance and Infrastructure (incl. ICT) Services Reform Steering Committee International Indigenous Education and Research Human Resources Library, Museums and Theatres Alumni, Development and Marketing
divisional structure 10 Division of Arts and Social Sciences ›Arts ›Education and Social Work ›Law (4 members of SEG) Division of Natural Sciences ›Science ›Veterinary Science ›AFNR (4 members of SEG) Division of Business Studies (2 members of SEG) Division of Health Sciences (2 members of SEG) Division of Medicine and Health ›Medicine ›Nursing ›Dentistry ›Pharmacy ( 4 members of SEG) Division of Architecture and the Creative Arts ›Architecture ›SCA ›SCM (2 members of SEG) Division of Engineering and IT (2 members of SEG)
divisional structure: open questions ›law ›social sciences ›economics ›planning 11