Luker Hays
1877 Thomas Alva Edison, working in his lab, succeeds in recovering Mary's Little Lamb from a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a spinning cylinder. He demonstrates his invention in the offices of Scientific American, and the phonograph is born. 1878 The first music is put on record: cornetist Jules Levy plays "Yankee Doodle." 1881 Clement Ader, using carbon microphones and armature headphones, accidentally produces a stereo effect when listeners outside the hall monitor adjacent telephone lines linked to stage mikes at the Paris Opera. 1887 Emile Berliner is granted a patent on a flat-disc gramophone, making the production of multiple copies practical. 1888 Edison introduces an electric motor-driven phonograph. 1895 Marconi successfully experiments with his wireless telegraphy system in Italy, leading to the first transatlantic signals from Poldhu, Cornwall, UK to St. John's, Newfoundland in 1898 Valdemar Bell Telephone Laboratories publishes a paper in Physical Review describing a "uniformly sensitive instrument for the absolute measurement of sound intensity" -- the condenser microphone. 1919 The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded. It is owned in part by United Fruit. 1921 The first commercial AM radio broadcast is made by KDKA, Pittsburgh PA.
1984 The Apple Corporation markets the Macintosh computer The first digital consoles appear Yamaha unveils the ProMix 01, the first "affordable" digital multitrack console Record labels begin to add multimedia files to new releases, calling them "enhanced CDs.“ 1963 Philips introduces the Compact Cassette tape format audio company pioneer was created.1973 kicker speakers were created The first commercial stereo disk recordings were created The first CB radio was made. Audio