COBUA Meeting February 26, 2007 Andy Gum Game Day Procedures Rule 3 – Substituting Rule 4 – Starting and Ending Game
AGENDA Game Day Procedures –Materials –Communication Starting a Game –Ground Rules –Pre-Game Conference –Line Up Cards Ending a Game Called Game Forfeited Game
Game Day Procedures Be Prepared –Schedule –COBUA Roster –School Information –Contracts
Game Day Procedures Communicate, Communicate, Communicate –Contact School Prior to 2:00 on Game Day Identify yourself Speak to A.D. or Secretary Speak to someone else, get name and leave message Confirm specific game (date, sport, level) Confirm game site Confirm game time Ask where to park Set contingency plan for weather related problems –Call Your Partner
Pre-Game Arrive Prior To game Time –BE ON TIME Upon Arrival, Notify Game Management and Confirm Starting Time Adhere to Game Day Meeting Procedures on COBUA Website (see handout)
Equipment Check Bat and Hats –Stick together and inspect each teams equipment at the same time. –Plate umpire inspects bats and starting pitchers glove (for white and grey) –Base umpire inspects helmets
STARTING A GAME The Home Coach shall decide whether the field/grounds and other conditions are suitable to start the game After the game starts, the umpires are the sole judges as to whether conditions are fit for play The umpires are the sole judges as to whether conditions are suitable to start the second game of a scheduled double-header (Two games between same teams during same day)
GROUND RULES If there are unusual conditions, the home coach shall propose ground rules. If sanctioned by visiting team, they are in force. If teams cannot agree, the umpires shall formulate the ground rules. Ground rules CANNOT SUPERSEDE a rule book rule. All special rules shall be announced in advance.
GROUND RULES The field should be clearly marked. If there is a permanent obstruction behind catcher or in front of a stand, a batted ball behind them becomes dead & cannot be caught for an out. Ground rules should be in accordance with rules governing pitches, throws, or batted balls that enter dead ball areas.
GROUND RULES For special conditions (i.e. drain pipe) where a spot is difficult for a fielder to retrieve a ball, ball should be dead if goes to that spot; 2 base award. On an unfenced field where cars are parked along foul lines, the cars should be considered same as bleachers and the ball will become dead if it bounces into the line of cars.
PRE-GAME CONFERENCE Meeting involving umpires, head coaches and team captains near home plate –Positioning – plate man in back, base man in front Should begin approximately 5 minutes prior to the game At the pre-game conference: –Ground Rules should be discussed and agreed upon –Head Coaches of the two teams shall verify to Umpire- in-Chief that all participants are properly equipped.
PRE-GAME CONFERENCE At the Pre-Game Conference: –Umpire-in-Chief shall emphasize to coaches and captains that all participants are expected to exhibit good sporting behavior through out the game –Both teams can deliver respective batting order (May be provided to Umpire-in-Chief earlier as well) –The lineup card shall list a minimum of 9 players to start the game. Game cannot start with less than 9 –After the lineups have been exchanged, inspected and verified by both coaches/captains, and then accepted by the umpire-in-chief, they are official and all Substitution rules are in effect. Lineup cards must be signed.
STARTING THE GAME The visiting team shall take its turn on offense first If on a neutral site, either team may be the home team The game begins when: –All infielders, the pitcher (on the pitcher’s plate with the ball), catcher and batter are in position (in their respective box) to start the game, and –Umpire calls “Play”
ENDING A GAME Regulation game is 7 innings unless extra innings are needed to determine a winner Game ends when team behind in score has completed its turn at bat in the 7 th inning, or any inning thereafter If home team scores a go ahead run in 7 th or any extra inning, game is over at that point
ENDING A GAME If game is tied at end of 4 ½ or 5 innings when game is called, it is a suspended. Batting and fielding records count, but game does not count in win/lost percentage Two 7 inning games shall constitute a doubleheader (Cannot have a 7 inning and then a 5 inning doubleheader)
ENDING A GAME – TEN RUN RULE The game shall end when the visiting team is behind 10 or more runs after 4 ½ innings After the 5 th inning, the game shall end if either team is 10 runs or more behind and both teams have had an equal number of times at bat
A CALLED GAME (ENDED BY THE UMPIRE) If weather or darkness interferes with play it is a regulation game if: –5 full innings have been played, or –If home team has scored an equal or greater number of runs in 4 or 4 + innings than the visitors scored in 5 full innings, or –If play has gone beyond 5 full innings If game is called when teams have not had equal number of times at bat, score shall revert to score at end of last completed inning; unless the home team, in its half of the uncompleted inning ties or goes ahead, then the score will be what it was when the game was called
CALLED GAME If a game is called prior to 5 innings or 4 ½, the contest is a “suspended game” Any suspended game, if it is to be resumed, will be picked up from the point of interruption. –Once a game has started, it will NOT start over
ENDING A GAME If a game is called prior to the completion of a full inning after the fifth inning, the game becomes a suspended game in the following situation: –The visiting team has scored one or more runs to tie the score or to take the lead, and the home team has not retaken the lead. In the absence of state adopted procedures, by mutual agreement of the opposing coaches and the umpire-in-chief, play may be shortened or the game terminated. (Cannot pre-determine game ends at 3 innings with a 15 run rule differential. At that point, could agree to end the game).
OHIO PROVISIONS By mutual agreement of opposing coaches and UIC, a game may be shortened or terminated at any time. Otherwise Rule 4 is in effect. The 10 run rule is adopted, regular season and OHSAA tournament play. If game is called prior to completion of a full inning after the 5 th, the game is suspended provided: –Visitors scored one or more runs to tie or take the lead and the home team has not retaken lead (Regular season only)
OHIO PROVISIONS A suspended game will continue from the point of suspension with the lineup & batting order of each team the same as they were as point of suspension. (Substitutions may be made). Once a game is started, it will not start over. Any suspended game will resume at point where play was suspended. Ohio did not adopt provision where if a game is called with no winner determined, it is counted as ½ win and ½ loss.
OHIO PROVISIONS No game is subject to forfeiture unless game has been started. Any regular season game not started due to unforeseen reasons is a “No Contest.” (Bus problems, school closings, etc.) Contests not played are not included in won-loss statistics. Protests are not permitted.
LIGHTNING AND INCLEMENT WEATHER - OHIO At first sign of lightning or other threatening weather, including thunder, the contest shall be suspended until 30 minutes have passed after the last bolt or clap of thunder was evident. Appropriate shelter shall be provided to athletes, participants, and spectators.
FORFEITED GAME A Game shall be forfeited to the offended team by the umpire when a team: –Is late appearing or beginning play after umpire calls “Play.” (State associations may specify time frame and/or circumstances for a forfeit due to late arrival. No such forfeit allowed in Ohio). –Refuses to continue play after game begins. –Delays more than a reasonable time in resuming play or in obeying an umpire’s order to remove a player.
FORFEITED GAME A Game shall be forfeited to the offended team by the umpire when a team: –Persists in tactics designed to delay or shorten game, –Willfully & persistently violates rules after being warned by the umpire, or –On its home field, fails to comply with an umpire’s order to put the field in condition for play. Score of a forfeited game is 7-0. If game is forfeited after the game is a regulation game & the offending team is behind, the score remains as recorded. If offending team is leading, the score shall be 7-0.
FORFEITED GAME A game shall be forfeited to the offended team by the umpire when a team: –Is unable to provide at least nine players to start the game or cannot provide eight players to finish. In 2007, a team may now return to nine players. Can finish a game with 8 players (but not fewer than 8) if a player must leave the game for any reason An out will be called each time the empty spot in the batting order comes to bat If an offensive player must be substituted for after reaching base, the most recent batter not on base will run for that player
FORFEITED GAME If a team playing with eight acquires new players, those players may substitute for current participants A coach is not compelled to send an available substitute into the game to avoid playing with eight, especially if it’s a disciplinary decision by the coach.
PROTESTS It is optional for a state association to permit protests. (Not in Ohio)
SUBSTITUTE - DEFINITION RULE Player who is eligible to replace another player already in lineup. Re-Entry Eligibility –All starters including DH may leave and re-enter once. Must go back in at same batting position. –Withdrawn substitute may not re-enter Player rendered unconscious may not participate that day without authorization from a physician
SUBSTITUTION - MISCELLANEOUS Projected Substitutions are not allowed The Umpire-in-chief shall record any or all substitutions on the line-up card and then announce immediately any change(s) to the opposing team Use whatever method works for you; important to know –who has been removed once –who has re-entered
SUBSTITUTE Player or Coach who is Bleeding –Cannot continue until receive treatment –If treatment not rendered in a reasonable time, must leave game (Umpire judgment as what is reasonable) –Re-Entry rule applies –Excessive amount of blood on uniform, it must be changed before re-entry
PITCHER RESTRICTIONS Once line-up is official, starter must pitch until first opposing batter has been put out or advanced to first base. If not, he may play another position, but not return to pitch. If replaced while team is on defense the substitute must pitch to the batter then at bat until that batter is put out, reaches 1st base or a third out is made. Exception - Player is incapacitated or guilty of Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct
PITCHER RESTRICTIONS CONTD. –Umpire will deny any defensive charged conference that would remove a substitute pitcher before previous conditions are met. –Pitcher may be removed and returned as pitcher only once per inning, providing the return does not violate the substitution, pitching, or charged conference rule.
UNREPORTED SUBSTITUTE Definition –Player who is eligible to replace another player, but has entered without reporting Unreported sub is considered to be in the game when ball is alive and: –Runner takes place of other runner –Pitcher takes place on pitching plate –Fielder takes position normally occupied by replaced fielder –Batter takes place in the batter’s box
UNREPORTED SUBSTITUTE CONTD. –If it is a starter who is replaced, he is considered to have been out of the game once –If it is a non-starter who is replaced, he no longer has eligibility to participate –Plate Umpire must keep good, accurate record of line-up changes and notification of courtesy runners (courtesy runners in non- league games only)
ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTE Definition: –Player who enters or reenters without the eligibility to do so or –Reenters the game in the wrong position in the batting order or –DH enters on defense while player he is batting for is on defense or –Player who is DH’d for enters the game as a batter or a runner in a different position in the batting order or –Player who violates the courtesy runner rule.
ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION PENALTY If discovered by umpire or opposing team while on offence, player is out and restricted to bench for remainder of game If discovered while on defense, player is removed and restricted to bench for remainder of game. The player replaced by the illegal substitute has been removed for purpose of re-entry If at bat, the next proper batter is the batter who follows the replaced batter in the line-up
ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION PENALTY CONTD. If discovery made before next pitch to next batter of either team: –Runners return to bases at time of pitch unless advance made without action from Ill. Sub –Outs made on play will stand In a game ending situation, discovery must be made before all infielders cross foul lines
ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION PENALTY CONTD. If illegal player is on defense –Replaced immediately –If involved in the play, and opposing team or umpire discovers it before next pitch to either team, the offense has the option of Taking the result of the play or Having the batter bat again If pitch was a strike it would be negated If pitch was a ball it would be allowed to stand
ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION PENALTY CONTD. Any player for whom the illegal player substitutes may re-enter only if he/she is eligible to do so under the re-entry rule. I.E. a starter could re- enter only if they had not been previously replaced. A legal substitute would be out of the game. TAKE YOUR TIME IF THIS HAPPENS. IT CAN BE CONFUSING TO YOU AND WILL CERTAINLY BE TO THE COACHES AND TEAMS
Case Book Situation R –In the first inning, C1 is a courtesy runner for the pitcher. In the second inning, C1 is a courtesy runner for the catcher. RULING: Upon discovery, C1 is called out and restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game.
Case Book Situation J –S1, who is an illegal substitute, scores, but B4 is thrown out for the third out attempting to advance to second base on a base hit. As both teams change positions, and before a pitch to the next batter can be made, the umpire is informed by the opposing team’s coach that S1 is an illegal substitute.
Case Book Situation J –Ruling: Even though both teams changed positions, a pitch had not been thrown to the next batter. Therefore, the previous play is nullified. S1 is called out, his run does not count, and B4 shall lead off the next inning. (2-36-3, 3-1-1, 8-4-1k)