Improving the health of our biggest community Premier’s Environmentally Preferred Purchasing (EPP) Program A Collaborative Program of Premier’s Group Purchasing and Safety Institute Gina Pugliese, Vice President Safety Institute
Significance of H2E Champion Status Premier first group purchasing organization to receive the H2E Champion Award Changing the culture of the healthcare industry by developing innovative ways to combat pollution from health care products and practices Recognized as playing a pivotal role in “greening” the healthcare industry Promotes Premier’s publicly available environmental and safety resources
Premier’s Position on EPP on public Web site Ongoing input from members to define EPP Ongoing review of state and national laws, regulations and guidelines Assist members in product EPP identification to meet national or local requirements Collaborate with companies with EPP agenda Special consideration to companies that support EPP products and packaging Resolve conflicts between member policies regarding reuse of single-use devices (SUDs) and commitment to Premier’s group purchasing policies
Premier milestones as H2E ‘Champion for Change’ Supplier review process to address: corporate environmental programs environmental friendliness of products & packaging EPP resources on Premier supplier Web site Supplier and member EPP assessment tool Premier pledge to eliminate mercury-containing products from group contract portfolio Co-sponsor of Clean Med – years Visible commitment to employees with internal corporate office program for recycling: paper, plastic bottles, cans, fax toner, ink/printer cartridges, office supplies (binders) and computers
Premier milestones.. Extensive Web site resources to assist with pollution prevention and environmentally preferable purchasing
Premier milestones.. with t Only comprehensive list of pharmaceuticals with mercury - available to public t Environmental and safety product lists t e News on EPP
Premier member hospitals H2E Partners Partners for Change > 100 members Award Winners - 16 members Partner Recognition Award Making Medicine Mercury Free Award Partners for Change Award Contact Us: