Robyn Tolley 19° November 2014 NHS England EPMA Webinar 1
What can we offer? Get to know the market. Suppliers will happily engage with customers to show them their wares. EPMA solutions are complex and need time to understand. Trust IT strategy - How does EPMA fit into the plan? What are you intending to connect it with ( Portal, PAS, Pharmacy, Discharge, Lab) and why? Hardware and device strategies. Business case advice and guidance. Supplier community has been involved in several and will have great experiences to share. Requirements elaboration - Ask your supplier to help you understand the nuances of requirements. There are many ways to achieve an outcome so take time with them to understand how they make things happen. Saves time in ITT creation and scoring Implementation- The suppliers can advise on Trust staffing profiles and deployment expectations around training, go live strategies Supplier Support- Before procurement 2©NoemaLife 2014 – WE CARE
What can we offer? What sort of service level agreement are you after? 24x7x365. Does the trust have this? Overall budget considerations - Cost of solution, cost of deployment, cost of support in Trust and from supplier, hardware, networks, change management, change control, clinical safety compliance. Supplier Support- Before procurement 3©NoemaLife 2014 – WE CARE
Demonstrations – Like buying a car. Get to now your features and functions! Suppliers are happy to engage in informal demos. Best use of time is to split the demos into three sections. Prescribers, Pharmacists and Medicine Administrators. Take a couple of active paper drug charts and ask them to be replicated in supplier systems. This gives context to the demo and allows for active participation Get hands on as much as you can. One tender in last three years that has asked to use it for themselves. Its like asking the sales guy to drive the car for you. Use the experience to build your procurement script Supplier Support- Before procurement 4 ©NoemaLife 2014 – WE CARE
Robyn Tolley ° November 2014 Thanks for your time and remember we are here to help! 5