Fundamental Technologies, LLC RBSPICE SOC Status – 9/23/ Van Allen Probes Mission Science Working Group Meeting RBSPICE SOC Production Status Report Jerry W. Manweiler (SOC Lead) Lou Lanzerotti (PI) Don Mitchell (SI) September 23, 2014 New Jersey Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory And Fundamental Technologies, LLC
Fundamental Technologies, LLC RBSPICE SOC Status – 3/11/2014 SOC Data Production Status Level 0 – Requirement 1 Week All files are processed with a 3 day delay Level 1 – Requirement 1 Week All files are processed with a 3 day delay New R vs R algorithm put in place on 2/26/14 All reprocessing is complete Level 2 – Requirement 1 Month All files are processed with a 10 day delay All reprocessing is complete Level 3 – There are 2 level 3 products: Requirement 3 Months Standard product providing flux for each telescope + pitch angles RBSPICE A files produced through mid July 2014 RBSPICE B files produced through end of July 2014 New product providing spin accumulated flux binned by pitch angles with a 10 degree bin size (15 degrees on ends). This new product should be in product by end of September 2014 Product includes total particle pressure, parallel and perpendicular pressure, total flux, minimum flux, maximum flux, anisotropy data. 2
Fundamental Technologies, LLC RBSPICE SOC Status – 9/23/ RBSPICE Level 3 Final Product Proposed NEW Level 3 Product (1 file/ Product/ day) 10 degree bin with 15 degree bins on the ends The middle bin is centered on 90 degrees. Time Fields (ET, MidET, StopET, UTC, and Dec DOY – for plotting purposes) Spin number L value (Dipole L only) Intensity Fields: One per energy bin Generated with 10 deg/15 deg ends algorithm creates 17 bins x #energy channels per spin Weighting Fields: A 17 x #energy channels per spin field identifies number of times a particular pitch angle was sampled Aggregate Fields: Total Pressure, Parallel Pressure, Perpendicular Pressure Minimum sampled value in Spin Maximum sampled value in Spin Total Spin Averaged Flux
Fundamental Technologies, LLC RBSPICE SOC Status – 9/23/ Example: May 22-23, 2013 Storm 50 KeV Protons
Fundamental Technologies, LLC RBSPICE SOC Status – 9/23/ Example: May 22-23, 2013 Storm 100 KeV Protons