UN Project Plan THURS Assembly Prep Bring: Final Position Paper Final Annotated Biblio DO: Develop elevator pitch Identify common interests alliances, and proposals Choose speakers for Fri Plan Monday clothing. What to know about the assembly meetings: 1.There will be two meetings. 2.They will be 90 minutes long during scheduled final for 4 th and 5 th period at 11:25. 3.They will be in the library. 4.You will be graded on your participation writing, speaking, voting, and researching.
UN MEETING AGENDA - Friday Make Name Placards5 min Call to Order Speakers present 30 min –Members of the assembly listen carefully to become familiar with all issues, solutions and possible connections Informal Caucus10 min Roam and interact with delegates to find and finalize caucus alignments. You must be a member of one caucus. You may be a signatory to a second one. Sign final caucus commitment list Caucus Work Session30 min Work collaboratively to research and write a resolution for your caucus. Type them up on library computers. Complete Speaker’s List20 min Closing
UN MEETING AGENDA - Monday Call to Order Complete Speakers List 30 min –Members of the assembly listen carefully to become familiar with all issues, solutions and possible connections Caucus Work Session30 min Work collaboratively to complete the drafting of your resolution. You may use library computers to conduct research and type them up. Present Resolutions to the Assembly20 min Vote on Resolutions10 min Close
UN PROJECT PLAN FRIDAY Assembly Day 1 11:25 – 12:55 Bring: Copy of position paper Notes on proposals DO: Call meeting to order Hear presentations from caucus spokespeople Begin drafting resolutions Write on power point slides MONDAY Assembly Day 2 11:25 – 12:55 Call to order Take turns presenting resolutions – on PPT slides Everyone needs to be involved in some group resolution Respond to questions and comments Vote on resolutions Closing
What makes a good elevator pitch? Engage audience with a question or compelling introduction to the problem. Introduce your proposed solution/s to the problem. Explain evidence for its likely success: possibly include scientific data, the names of your allies, economic backing, other evidence Close with re-stating your proposal.
What is a resolution? A resolution is a document that contains all the issues that a group wants to solve and the proposed solutions to that issue. It is a draft resolution before it is voted upon and then a resolution after it is successfully passed. Resolutions are usually written with and during an informal caucus where delegates roam and collaborate together. All debate and teamwork lead up to a resolution. Conferences usually pass multiple resolutions as long as they do not contradict one another.
Here are parts of a resolution Heading committee name (General Assembly), sponsors (author countries), signatories (other countries who would like to see it debated, not necessarily in agreement yet. There must be at least 3 sponsors to be presented and discussed. Pre-ambulatory clauses states all the issues or problems that the committee wants to resolve on this issue. It may highlight previous international actions, or general background information. Each statement in this section begins with a pre-ambulatory phrase, such as Reminding, Reaffirming, Noting, Recognizing, Realizing, Alarmed by, Bearing in mind, and ends with a comma. Operative clause states the solutions that the sponsors propose to resolve the issues. The operative clauses should address the issues specifically mentioned in the pre-ambulatory clauses above it. It is better if there are more operative than pre- ambulatory clauses.