Jeff Graves Senior Project Manager/Geological Engineer
Level F Underground Rehab PROJECT SUMMARY Mucked 250 cubic yards of material. Scaled and cleaned 438 feet of drift. Spiled approximately 25 feet of drift. Installed: 146 – 10 foot spiling rods 55 split set bolts 200 square feet of mesh 18 steel sets 520 feet of permanent utilities. Cost:$377,951.50
Bulkhead Design and Construction Complete geologic mapping. Conduct flow monitoring. Select bulkhead location. Finalize bulkhead design. Construct bulkhead.
Fracture Mapping
Flow Monitoring Flumes installed with pressure transducers. FD1 = 24.1 gpm FXC = 31.1 gpm
Bulkhead Location and Design Finalize bulkhead location. Determine design head. Calculate bulkhead thickness.
Bulkhead Installation Start installation in July Completed by September Estimated cost $500,000.
Additional 2014 Work Rehab portions of Level C. Investigate source control options above Level C.