Orthopedic Hardware Problems
Todd R. Wilcox, MD, MBA, CCHP-A Medical Director Salt Lake County Jail System
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Educational Goals Understand types of orthopedic hardware Understand typical post-op management based on type Understand hardware complications Medical necessity of hardware complications
Brief History Earliest fracture management dates to 300 BC Osteosynthesis did not start until 1900 AO group in Brussels
Various Techniques
Case 1 Presents to Sick Call Injury 9 months ago Having pain Wants bottom bunk, special shoes, extra blanket
Basic Bone Physiology Bone has 2 functions Structural support Metabolic
Bone Formation Occurs in 2 stages Osteoblasts deposit osteoid Osteoid is mineralized
Fracture Repair
Internal Fixation
Plate Fixation
External Fixation
Basic Fracture Management Soft Tissue Compression Reduces Deformity
Load Bearing
Load Sharing
External Fixation Wire / pin loosening is most common complication pin care--normal saline and NO bacitracin
Elective Hardware
Dislocated Hardware 3% of primary THA’s 15% of revision THA’s Require ER visit for anesthesia / sometimes need OR
Elective Hardware Harrington Rods are common Need to evaluate the fusion mass Broken rods happen a lot, often not clinically significant
Broken Hardware Common source of patient complaint Need to figure out underlying reason infection instability of fracture insufficient hardware strength Does it compromise the fracture mechanically? Most broken hardware is not medically necessary to remove!!
Broken Hardware Syndesmosis Screw often left in Common to see these broken
Always have to be alert for this Source of a lot of litigation Need to do the complete workup and clinical evaluation Need to handle the situation in accordance with accepted standards Infected Hardware
Infected Hardware Workup Xrays Evaluate for loosening or breakage Tests include CBC, Sed rate, C-reactive protein If infected, all hardware must come out in infection zone in order to treat infection Some infections are tolerated as chronic
Infected Elective Hardware Xrays CBC, Sed Rate, C-reactive protein, blood cultures Radioisotope scans (Indium-111 leukocyte, tecnetium-99) Arthrocentesis
Incidental Hardware
Common to have shrapnel left in Removing shrapnel usually does more damage than leaving it Pain often not resolved by removing shrapnel because of blast injury Only reason to consider removal is infection or obvious dysfunction
Painful Hardware Most orthopedic hardware is painful Pain typically relieved with NSAIDS Occasionally narcotics are indicated Significant increase in pain needs workup to evaluate for infection Removal of hardware frequently helps but is not medically necessary
Special Shoes For Fixed deformities Amputations Significant tissue loss / grafting Leg length discrepancy > 1.5 inches
Bottom Bunk Only if fracture has not healed and is not infected Historical fractures or retained hardware is not a legitimate justification
Summary Get Xrays Understand the type of device in use Know the biomechanics of fractures Assess for infection Assess for healing Determine need for special requests / workup
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