1 國立台灣大學生物資源暨農業學院 植物光生態生理學 (Plant Photo-ecophysiology) 第 7 章 ATP 的合成 楊棋明 博士 中央研究院植物研究所暨生物多樣性研究中心 Tel: #612, 613
2 Four stages of photosynthesis in higher plants Stage 1: absorption of light Chl Chl* 2H 2 O O 2 + 4H + + 4e - Stage 2: electron transport and generation of a proton-motive force (pmf)/pH gradient 2H 2 O + 2NADP + 2H + + 2NADPH + O 2 Stage 3: synthesis of ATP ADP 3 - + Pi 2 - ATP 4 - Stage 4: carbon fixation 6CO 2 + 18ATP 4 - + 12NADPH + 12H 2 O C 6 H 2 O + 18ADP 3 - + 18Pi 2 - + 12NADP + + 6H + light Thylakoid membrane Stroma
3 Chemical structure of ATP, ADP and AMP and their energy ATP + H 2 OADP + Pi + 7.3kcal/mol ADP + H 2 OAMP + Pi + 7.3kcal/mol AMP + H 2 OAdenosine + Pi + 3.4kcal/mol 7.3kcal/mol 3.4kcal/mol ATP ADP AMP Adenosine Ribose Adenine
4 ATP synthesis in chloroplast (1): the chemiosmotic hypothesis Pete Mitchell (UK) in 1961 proposed a chemiosmotic hypothesis to account for ATP formation accompanying electron transport in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Pete Mitchell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Paul Boyer (USA) and John Walker (UK), elucidating the ATPase structure and function, were awarded the Nobel Prize in The Chemiosmotic Hypothesis: Intact membranes are almost impermeable to the passive flow of protons. The electron donors and acceptors of electron and proton are arranged vectorially in the membrane. During photosynthetic electron transport, protons are translocated from the external medium (stroma) into the osmotic space of the intra-thylakoid membrane.
5 ATP synthesis in chloroplast (2): the chemiosmotic hypothesis
6 ATP synthesis in chloroplast (3): ATPase or ATP synthase/ coupling factors/ CF 0 CF 1 complex Paul Boyer (USA) and John Walker (UK), elucidating the ATPase structure and function, were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997.
7 Inside-out and outside-in of mitochondrial and chloroplast
8 Construction of artificial ATP synthesis system lumen
9 ATP synthesis (4): bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplast
10 Comparison of chemiosmosis in mitochondria and chloroplasts
11 Subunits and their structures of ATPase complex in eukaryotes (α 3 β 3 γδε) C, chloroplast N, nucleus ★
12 ATPase in the bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplast
13 ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Rotational model for ATP synthesis
14 Experimental evidence for rotation of ATPase ATPase is a rotatory motor.
15 Mitochondrial ATPase
16 Structure and location of ATPase on the thylakoid membrane
17 Have you a nice day