Group Members: Chui Kwok Fung (6) Fong Chor Man (7) Hui Wai Yee (9) Lui Ka Ying (21) Wang Shan Shan (31)
Introduction “Her servants often found her walking around the castle in her sleep,talking wildly about the murder.’’ (pp.29,lines 31-33) ~ didn’t dare to tell the truth powerful people could beat the rap ~ Lady Macbeth could not expiate her sin Leads to her DEATH!!!
“She wrote a letter, read what she had written,folded it,and put it away in the desk.” (pp.30,lines 5-6) ~ Confessed ~ Reflected ~ Concealed “And then she began to cry loudly in fear and horror.” (pp.31,lines 7-8) Lady Macbeth’s Actions - Lettering
“ Then she …rub her hands.” (pp.30, lines 11-12) “She would do it for a quarter of an hour without stopping.” (pp.30 lines 14-15) “ She rubbed her hands harder.” (pp.31 lines 1-2) ~ Got away with her guilt ~ Hated herself Lady Macbeth’s Actions – Rubbing hands
Analysis of Lady Macbeth’s words 1 (pp.30, line 16) “There is the spot of blood here.” ~ Hallucination (the monster in her head) (pp.31,line 2) “Oh, go away, dreadful spot! A proof of her culpability
( pp.31,line 3) “ Will my hands never be clean ?” (pp.31, lines 5-7) “Oh, all the perfume in the world will never make this little hand smell sweet again.” ~ redeem her fault Analysis of Lady Macbeth’s words 2 Good deeds Lady Macbeth Pure
Consequences from the wrong-doings “The Queen suffered from terrible dreams because of her guilt.”(pp.29, lines 31-32) ~ peace of mind ~ Somnambulism “A few days later...she killed herself.” (pp.31, lines 12-13) ~ an extrication
Mental process Planning the murder Struggles between moral values
sleepwalking (sub conscientious) Real-life The Death
Reflection Shouldn’t be controlled by desires Had a taste of our own medicine ~ Look before we leap Content is happiness ~ Greed makes one poor