Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section - Service unit supporting Instruction, Research, and Extension - Staff of 13 information technology professionals located at the Lexington campus, Research and Education Center at Princeton, Robinson Station, and available to every county extension office - Core Services provided include: Helpdesk Network Servers and Network Support, Web hosting IT Security County Extension Office and CES facilities IT Support Video Conferencing (both multipoint and desktop) CATPAWS College Computer Classroom and Smart Classrooms
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section Helpdesk - Contact information: 252 C.E. Barnhart Building Lexington, KY Phone ext. 1 or , Fax Current Helpdesk staff person is Akeem Scott. Terry Evans serves as backup when Akeem is not in the office. If you leave a message, you should receive a response within two hours.
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section District Extension Information Technology Contact (DEITC) - Responsible for direct, on-site IT support for all counties within the Extension District, assistance with computer/technology guidance and purchases. District 1 Erica Burchett District 2 David Niece District 3 Rick Hayes District 4 Calvin Groves District 5 Belinda Williams District 6 John Johnson District 7 Rich Phelps DEITC Manager
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section Dell is the University preferred vendor for desktops and laptops. Work with your District Technician for specs on computers purchases and other IT related purchases. Computers can be purchased for both work and personal use through this site. Always consult your DEITC before making an IT related purchase.
If I have a computer-related problem, do I contact the Helpdesk or my DEITC? - The Helpdesk can be considered the first-call resource, (but follow the directions given to you by your District Technician.) The Helpdesk has remote support software which allows them to diagnose and correct problems on-line, many times quicker than a DEITC visit. - If the problem cannot be fixed over the phone/remotely and requires a site visit, then the DEITC becomes the point of contact and will schedule the site visit. Helpful links for county extension offices -This link is a listing of software that should NOT be on county computers as well as information about spyware, automatic installs and malicious software and their negative effects on computers -Lots of FAQ information regarding address books, virus scan, filters, spyware and Centra Symposium. Centra Symposium
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section Electronic Mail ( ) -To request a new (Exchange) account: -Exchange system at the office (MS Outlook client) - Use the Exchange system when away from the office (web browser) or go to and select “Link Blue” then “Exchange” You will login with your AD/Exchange credentials
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section MyUK Website Benefits and Payment: Paycheck Inquiry Check your monthly pay statement. Tax Withholding (W-4) The Tax Withholding (W-4) link will allow you to display both your Federal and State withholding information. If you need to change your withholding status or the number of exemptions claimed, please contact the Payroll Office. Personal Data: The Personal Data link will allow you to verify your name, date of birth, social security number, gender and marital status. If any information requires correction, please contact your business officer to make the changes. Working Time: Leave Balance Statement Check your current leave balance..
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section Internal College homepage Popular links include: - Order Entry - Computing resources - CATPAWS reports - Publishing and Marketing resources - Departments / Units - District Web Sites
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section CATPAWS -Information source used for distribution of college address book updates - Population maintenance for Listservs - Accountability reporting -CES In-Service Training System -CES County Websites -University System -Bomgar Remote Support Appliance
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section National eXtension Initiative -All CES personnel need to get an eXtension ID -eXtension is an Internet-based collaborative environment where Land Grant University content providers exchange objective, research-based knowledge to solve real challenges in real time. -Request your ID here:
Agricultural Communications - Computing and IT Section If you have any IT related questions, feel free to contact me. Steve Garner IT Section Manager x558