Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick July 26,2012
Maryland is proud to be the top-ranked state in U.S. growth as reported in this study, and judged by Education Week to be the #1 state school system for the past 4 years. A result of years of hard work: policy, accountability, school support, and most important Consistent focus on children
Maryland’s approach from the perspective of: ◦ History ◦ Philosophy ◦ Organization ◦ Implementation
To provide comparable information on school performance to: ◦ Superintendents and school boards ◦ School administrators and teachers ◦ Parents and communities To continue to raise the bar and improve schools To provide rich opportunities to discuss school performance, what is working and what is not
Performance assessment integrating reading, writing, language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. For school accountability only Administered in Grades 3, 5, and 8 Set high standards for all Fundamentally changed instruction in Maryland to an application of knowledge model
State given the responsibility to take over academic management of low performing schools from the districts. Development and implementation of a state curriculum to address: ◦ Mobility issues ◦ Equal access to content and rigor
Designed to fulfill requirements of NCLB – reading, mathematics, science School accountability and individual scores Administered in Grades 3-8 and 10 for reading and mathematics, Grades 5, 8 and high school biology for science Requirements resulted in less focus on application of skills.
Require all students to demonstrate knowledge in English, algebra/data analysis, biology and government Fulfill NCLB requirements in reading, mathematics, and science Serve as high school graduation requirement as well as school accountability Administered when students complete the course Administered on-line in many schools
%82% Progress was sustained when students were assessed in Grade 3 Percentage of Students Ready for School
Consistent, sustained vision and leadership Intensely collaborative relationships with school districts Highly inclusive of stakeholders Partnerships and support of schools
Accountability Commitment to preparing students for future success Strategic funding Importance of leadership
Key characteristics ◦ Alignment of state curriculum to assessments ◦ Comprehensive test security measures and sanctions for any improprieties ◦ Multiple indicators to enhance interpretation ◦ High standards ◦ Accessible reports that include all student groups and achievement gaps ◦ A spirit of evolution
Implement a state curriculum and align the assessment to it Involve all teachers in curriculum and assessment development, and all stake- holders in standard setting Include graduation requirements at least at high school to ensure by-in from students
Include multiple indicators to ensure valid interpretation Timely and accessible results: report cards for each school, website Provide support for struggling schools Include evolution plan to continue to raise the bar
Importance of an evolution philosophy- continuous improvement, raise the bar Must change with the times and the students Incorporate new research, technology, what works into systems to support schools Goal is college and career readiness
Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick July 26,2012