Baseline Development What’s it all mean anyway? Alanya Smith & Nancy Densmore
What are our Options? one – to – one –Pre-harvest and post-harvest sampling of same block one – to – many –Post-harvest sampling placed in the spectrum of available data from the same ecosystem SBS dw
“Premium” one-to-one baseline Pre-harvest data from the same stands – using the same methodology – cooperation with licensees to find unharvested but planned blocks –2 sampling sessions on each block (double the cost?)
“Premium” one-to-many baseline Pre-harvest data from blocks that fit the population description – same sampling methodology –180 harvested zone/subzone X 30 blocks X $3,000 = So, Peter…..
Cheaper one-to-one: cruise data same block BCTS cruise data good for standing trees (no record of CWD on block) difficult to track down BCTS electronic cruise plot data. … An odyssey soon to be made into a full length feature drama….
BCTS Official notices system (2005) First approach made to CanFor Contractor hired BCTS Official notices system (2006) GENUS
Cheaper one-to-many lumped cruise data Success at last… Use available electronic cruise plot data from the BCTS ONS 2005 final report – example comparison of SBS sampled cutblocks to 51 BCTS cruise blocks.
Existing Research Available research data - but its not necessarily from the same population, collected the same way or with same quality rigour (FREP Report 1: Baseline Datasets for Evaluating Wildlife Tree Patches, November 2004) Deadtree database for CWD
Even distribution of large tree retention
Skewed distribution – emphasis on retaining large trees
2005 Report: Abundance of large trees found in sampled cutblocks compared to the baseline (SBS)
Summary Approx 270 plots of baseline Testing required - Alyson McHugh testing the one-to-one “premium” in the Arrow district Fire & MPB