EA Foundations & Enterprise Apps Business Analysts Database Services & Enterprise Apps Foundations Web, Messaging & Collaboration Apps & Internal Groupware, Workflow, Tracking CD Business Apps & Computing Infrastructure Apps
Enterprise Applications Steady State Operations Can do: Guidance: $1,652,558 Budget: $1,519,750 Diff: $ % Maintenance contracts $240,000 Oracle, PeopleSoft, Budget/Project Wizard, Noetix, Optio, Sunflower, etc. 40% Materials $615,500 Replacement servers for eBS, Discoverer. New and additional storage. Licenses, Redhat, Acrobat, Toad, etc. 35% Consultants $535,000 PeopleSoft upgrade $150,000 eBS upgrade $385,000 9% Services, Training, & Travel $129,250 2
Enterprise Applications Steady State Operations Can do: Sunflower ESH CNAS eBS PeopleSoft Can’t afford to do: Given guidance, our risk of ‘cannot do’ comes with additional projects currently not planned. For example, OIM, PEMP goals from CD or other organizations. 3
Enterprise Applications Strategic initiatives/projects eBS 12I upgrade Web based Discoverer upgrade Iprocurement implementation Complete PeopleSoft v9.1 upgrade 4
Business Analysts Steady State Operations Can do: Guidance: $?? Budget: $629,500.06% Maintenance contracts $4,000 Teamcenter 65% Materials $406,500 SharePoint server for Teamcenter Licenses, Teamcenter, Electrical CAD, Visualization, Analysis 32% Consultants $200,000 Teamcenter implementation 3% Services, Training, & Travel $19,000 5
Business Analysts Steady State Operations Can do: Teamcenter Implementation per schedule Can’t afford to do: 6
Business Applications Strategic initiatives/projects Teamcenter Implementation in 4 tier architecture 7
Database Services Steady State Operations Guidance: 910,815, Budget: $1,049,000 Diff: % Maintenance contracts – $640,000 Oracle RHA D1 21% Materials - $216,000 Replacement for 3Par Growth for Blue Arc Replacement for CD Monitoring database servers 14% Consultants - $150,000 eBS Upgrade support 4% Services, Training, & Travel - $43,000 8
Database Services Steady State Operations Can do: Scientific Experiment Support(CDF, DO, Minos etc) Enterprise Database Support (eBS, PeopleSoft, CNAS etc) General Database Support (ESH, Remedy, Miscomp etc) Open Source DB Srvs SQL Server (SDSS, SCCM etc) Can’t afford to do: If $150,00 for consulting is cut to balance guidance, the ebs 12I upgrade will be cut. Given guidance, our risk of ‘cannot do’ comes with additional projects currently not planned. For example, OIM, DES, Team Center, Data Warehouse. 9
Database Services Strategic initiatives/projects Can do: PeopleSoft upgrade eBS 12I upgrade *ALL* upgrade 10g to 11G Xclone replacement Replacing CD Monitoring Servers Upgrade all CD Monitoring Agents Migration off 3Par New OMS deployment for Enterprise Database Support 10
Web Messaging Steady State Operations Guidance: $567,007, Budget: $262,500 Diff: $304,507 24% Maintenance contracts – $63,500 Business Objects, Crystal Reports, Domino, All Fusion, etc. 60% Materials - $156,ooo Servers for InDiCo, Project Management systems, TeamMate, etc. New licenses, SharePoint add-ons (project, document mgmt suites) 16% Services, Training, & Travel - $43,000 11
Web Messaging Steady State Operations Can do: InDiCo Lotus Notes Plone SharePoint Project Mgmt Crystal Reports OrgPlus, Harvest Teammate Can’t afford to do: Migration to SharePoint from various legacy applications, example Plone, Lotus. Dashboard 12
Web Messaging Strategic initiatives/projects Can do: SharePoint Deployment Exchange & OCS customizations Cannot afford to do: Given guidance, our risk of ‘cannot do’ comes with additional projects currently not planned. For example, dashboard. 13
CD Infrastructure Apps Steady State Operations Guidance: $37,997, Budget: $37,977 Diff: $0 26% Maintenance contracts $9823 D1 support for nimisrv. 08% Materials $3145 Replacement for appora/appora-dev VM’s replacements for nimisrv machines 66% Services, Training, & Travel $25,000 14
CD Infrastructure Apps Steady State Operations Can do: Budget Input Support CD Leave Request support MISER support EquipDB support Oracle Application Support NIMI Support DocDB support CD Effort Reporting General Plone Support Miscellaneous Package Support 15
CD Infrastructure Apps Strategic initiatives/projects Can do: Replace appora/appora-dev Move NIMI apps off old hardware onto VM Tissue v2 Cannot afford to do: Training has been substantially cut. Given guidance, our risk of ‘cannot do’ comes with additional projects currently not planned. For example, Budget Input enhancements/replacement. 16