Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) Veronika Zimanova Management of EU Programs and Projects Comenius University, Bratislava 2007
Mission The main mission of SARIO is to contribute to the acceleration of economic growth of the Slovak Republic and to improve the quality of life in Slovakia - SARIO achieves this goal by presenting the economic environment of Slovakia and attracting foreign direct investments.
Key activities : Creation of a suitable investment and “business-friendly” environment in Slovakia. Assisting with the completion of investment projects of foreign investors Consultation and solutions for individual State aid to investors. Mapping out and creating databases of available real estate and industrial parks. Assistance and service with joint venture creation between Slovak and foreign companies. Assisting small and medium businesses in their search for export and trade opportunities abroad. Assisting municipalities and small and medium business applying for money from the EU structural funds (within the jurisdiction of SARIO) and helping them complete their projects.
Sections: Foreign Investments Section Foreign Trade Section EU Structural Funds Section
Foreign Investments Section Support of foreign companies to invest in Slovakia Consulting for investors Other services
Foreign Trade Section Support of export and development of foreign trade Participation on the international exhibitions and trade fairs SARIO Information Center Subcontracting
EU Structural Funds Section Administration of structural funds Submit, register, control and evaluate the projects Monitoring of ongoing projects
Implementation of structural funds Measure 1.2 – Support for Building and Reconstructing of Infrastructure Measure Development of Foreign Cooperation and the Image of the Slovak Republic.
Measure 1.2: Support for building and reconstruction of industructure The goal of this measure is to allow the public sector to provide for business development in the field of industry and services, to increase employment and quality of life in regions Higher territory units, towns and municipalities, their mutual associations; budgetary and contributory organisations established by towns and municipalities serving the development of industry and selected services.
Form and level of aid within M.1.2 The minimum level of the aid for projects is EUR. The maximum level of the aid for projects is EUR (the level of eligible costs of the project may not exceed EUR) In terms of the project, co-financing by the applicant of 5 % of eligible costs is required Calling: Deadline: ,-Sk
Measure 1.5: Development of foreign cooperation and image of the SR The goal of this measure is to assist primarily Slovak firms to present themselves on domestic and foreign markets and through them build an image of Slovakia. Businesses The minimum level of the aid for projects is EUR. The maximum level of the aid for projects is EUR
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ATTENTION! Good luck with your projects!!