REQUIRED Physical Geology and something else Calc 1 and Calc 2 Chem 1 and Chem 2 Physics 1 and Physics 2 Mineralogy Paleontology Sed Rocks Sed Strat Structural Field Plate Tectonics ELECTIVES ( 3 OR 4) Histerical, California Geology, Environmental Earthquakes and Volcanoes Optical Mineralogy Ig Met Hydro Exploration Geophysics, Petroleum Geology, Soil Geology, Geomorphology Oceanography
REQUIRED Physical Geology and something else Calc 1 and Calc 2 Chem 1 and Chem 2 Physics 1 and Physics 2 REQUIRED Physical Geology and Histerical Algebra and Trigonometry and Numerical Methods in Geology Chem 1 and Geochem Physics 1 and Expl. Geophysics
Nobody is going to want to talk to us again! But I cannot teach numerical methods! But I cannot teach geochemistry! Maybe we should call it a BA? I have never worked as a professional geologist, but I can tell you that employers just want well- educated geologists.
REQUIRED Mineralogy Paleontology Sed Rocks Sed Strat Structural Field Plate Tectonics REQUIRED Mineralogy (w. Optical) Ig Met Sedimentology and Sed Rocks Paleontology and Stratigraphy Structural Field Plate Tectonics Hydro Applied Geology Applied Geology concentration: Dev. and Mgmt. of Water Resources, Neotectonics, Environmental Geology, GIS
ELECTIVES ( 3 OR 4) Histerical, California Geology, Environmental Optical Mineralogy Ig Met Hydro Exploration Geophysics, Petroleum Geology, Soil Geology, Geomorphology Oceanography ELECTIVES ( 3 OR 4) California Geology, Dinosaurs Earthquakes and Volcanoes Environmental Geology Oceanography Development and Management of Water Resources Neotectonics GIS Environmental Chemistry Calc 1, Calc 2, Chem 2, Phys 2
INTANGIBLES FOR THE STUDENTS Field work (general and applied) Computer work (Excel and professional software – e.g. slope stability analysis) Internships “Walk” good students to graduate school Professional advisement and “employment agency” services
INTANGIBLES FOR THE PROFS Seek a new hire in Geochemistry Allow for consulting as a valid RPT scholarly activity Increase number of students so we can go into a yearly offering of classes. Reward faculty for their recruitment efforts.
MY SOAP BOX Faculty should try to get professional work experience and professional certifications. If your are going to assess the program, then be ready to fix the problems. Stay the course. Beware of loss of heart along the way.