Praxis III – Your Future zAs a new teacher you will be assessed in order to obtain your first teaching license. This assessment is called Praxis III.


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Presentation transcript:

Praxis III – Your Future zAs a new teacher you will be assessed in order to obtain your first teaching license. This assessment is called Praxis III. This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to pass your assessment and become a licensed teacher. zPlease study each slide carefully. You will need to understand the domains and criteria of your assessment, general information about the assessment, your actual evaluation, scoring of your assessment, helpful hints from a praxis assessor, tips from people who have passed the Praxis III, and resource people for you to utilize. zUse the arrows at the bottom of the screen to move forward and backwards. zYou will be quizzed on your knowledge. A correct answer will move you the next question. An incorrect answer will take you to the pertinent slide to study. When all questions are answered correctly you will be finished. When taking the quiz, click on the box next to the answer you think is correct. zKEEP THIS TUTORIAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.

General Information zYou will be assessed after you have taught for 120 days in the same assignment. zAssessments will take place between Jan 1st and June 30th. zMake sure that the state has your correct name and address. zLess than 1% of EYT’s do not pass.

Domain A Organizing Content Knowledge for Student Learning zA1-Be able to provide specific examples of student knowledge for Question #5 on the Pre- observation Interview. (Page 76) zA1-Good evidence would be an interest survey, looking at the CRF in the office, etc. zA2-Make sure that your goals & objectives are just that. They need to be goals & objectives. (NOT ACTIVITIES) zA2-If you have different goals for IEP students in your class let your assessor know. zA4-Have supplemental materials you use on hand or create a list of them. zA4-Have a copy of all materials being used during the lesson for the assessor. (Future assessments too if possible). zA5-This does not always need to be written. It could include observations or projects.

Domain B Creating an Environment for Student Learning zB1-Address unfair behavior among students zB3-Use positive reinforcement to communicate your high expectations. zB4-Have a copy of your classroom rules for the assessor. zB4-Be sure to follow your classroom rules and procedures or have a valid reason for not following them. zB4-Make sure that you address any discipline problems that arise. zB5-Address any environment issues if needed.

Domain C Teaching for Student Learning zC1-Let students know what they are going to do during the lesson and how. zC2-The assessor will check that the students are on-task and appear to understand the material. zC3-Use Bloom’s Taxonomy. zC5-Make sure that you have more than enough planned. No down time!

Domain D Teacher Professionalism zD1-Pay attention to the accuracy of your reflection. Relate back to your goals. zD2-Be able to identify students who did well and those who did not. zD3-Evidence could include a calendar of when you meet with your mentor. You might also want documentation of any coursework, CEU’s, EYT Workshops, etc. (1 piece of evidence needed). zD3-Have evidence for Question #8 and #9 on the Post Observation Interview. (Page 84) zD4-Make sure your evidence is from your classroom, not the school. Examples would include a class newsletter, phone logs, copies of s, notes sent home to parents, and any other form of non-required communication. zNote-You do not need to go overboard on the quantity of evidence. (2 pieces of evidence needed).

The Evaluation zBecome familiar with the Praxis booklet in December or January. zHave all forms filled out for the assessor prior to their arrival (Class Profile & Instructional Profile). You may be asked to mail or fax it to them ahead of time. Keep a copy for yourself. zAsk your mentor to go through all the materials you have prepared for the evaluation. zState the exact time you want the assessment to occur. You will need time to pre-conference and post-conference as well. These need to take place where you will not be disturbed. If needed, ask your administrator to help you find coverage.

Passing Scores zDomain A (5 criteria)-You need 10 points zDomain B (5 criteria)-You need 10 points zDomain C (5 criteria)-You need 10 points zDomain D (4 criteria)-You need 8 points zBeing able to get a 2.0 or 2.5 in each criteria will allow you to pass. zYou may receive no more than ONE score below 2.0 in any category in Domains B and C.

Hints from a Praxis Assessor z1. You are allowed to fill out all of the forms ahead of time and be ready with your answers. Please know that the Praxis assessor CANNOT just copy what you have written. You can use them as a resource for yourself. The assessor MUST personally write all of your responses, not copy what you have written. z2. The assessor will be writing, writing, and writing the entire time you are together. Do not be bothered by this, especially during the classroom observation time. z3.The assessor CANNOT take information from anyone except you! If another teacher and/or administrator tells the assessor something about you (positive or negative), the assessor CANNOT put that in your evaluation.

z4.The assessors have been well trained and most will try to put you at ease. Please realize that the assessor will probably be reading the questions to you just as they are written in the book. This is done to be consistent and fair to every entry-year teacher. The assessor may probe you for a more extensive response, but for the most part will stick to the questions exactly as they are written. z5.Relax!!! Put your best foot forward, make your plans more awesome than you ever imagined. Have fun with your students and be yourself. This is your chance to shine so be prepared. Don’t be worried if things don’t go exactly as planned. The assessor knows that these things happen. If it does happen, just be ready to self-evaluate and explain what you intend to do in the future.

Tips from teachers who were assessed and passed. zBe organized with your paperwork. zMake a copy of your documentation for the assessor. zBe familiar with how you are being evaluated and how you earn points. zHave a filler activity for the end of the class if your lesson gets finished early. zHave a back up plan for any technology you plan to use. zRelax and be yourself. You have already been evaluated before by your mentor and your administrator. zLet your students know that you are going to be evaluated.

Resources zMary Ann Nowacki Whitmer CTC - Ext 7938 zNan Zawisza - Regional Coordinator zNancy Zalewski - Asst. Regional Coordinator

Praxis III Quiz z1. How many days in the same assignment must you have taught before you can be assessed? 60 Days 120 Days

z2. How many domains are you responsible for understanding? 4 Domains 19 Domains

z3. What is the passing score for Domains A, B, and C? 8 Points 10 Points

z4. You need to set up an exact time for the assessment to occur with time for a pre and post conference. True False

z5. You are allowed and should fill out the forms ahead of time and be ready with your answers. True False