Chair: Mr. Mohamed Hassan Presenter: Ms. Lily Kisaka Rapporteur: Eng. Vincent Hagono
Mohamed Hassan – ICA Canisius Kanangire – LVBC Daniel Rutabingwa – JICA Bill Fox – EleQtra Caixia Alice Xiong ZSPC Patrice Niyogabo – LVBC Philip Musyoka – Environment Ministry Al-Hamndou - WMO John – EU Delegation Jembe Fisheries Research
1. Maritime Communication for Safety on Lake Victoria 2. Development of Ports and Maritime Transport on Lake Victoria 3. Strengthening Meteorological Services on lake Victoria 4. Integrated Aquaculture for Small Scale Farmers and Cage Culture development in the Lake Victoria Basin 5. Sustainable Climate Smart Agriculture in the lake Victoria Basin
EAC has designated LVB as a "regional economic growth zone" to be developed jointly Opportunities for growth exist Economic opportunities of the EAC Partner States are hampered by expensive and weak transport trade links due to huge costs associated with the predominant road transportation EAC heads of state emphasized infrastructure development as high priority in November 2012 and follow up action is under way
Weather information required for decision- makers and management of leading socio- economic sectors in the EAC region is not available at any single collection centre The rural population in the LVB is largely composed of small-scale farmers whose livelihoods depend on capture fishery and seasonal rain-fed crops.
Approach EIB on possible support and co- financing on development of infrastructure and communication on the lake Send request to trust funds housed at AfDB like NEPAD for project preparation JICA co-funds with AfDB and could be followed up EADB could cooperate with LVBC
WMO will consider technical assistance for the improvement of meteorological services to cover other users like farmers, upscale the pilot weather dissemination system to fishermen in Uganda to cover EAC region. Information sharing to start. Possible collaborations in training and capacity enhancement Explore partnerships with EU on meteorology project
i. Search and rescue and meteorology to be combined with port development as an integral programme for ease of implementation ii. Maritime transport projects qualify for JICA ODA support. LVBC to take up follow up action to demonstrate how the projects fit in national priorities iii. Explore the possibility of developing PPPs for economically viable options