Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 1 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Military Professional Ethics
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 2 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 3 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 4 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process How Do We Know What Is Right? Intuition, Self Evident Standards of Excellence (Virtues) Greatest Good for Greatest Number Duty to Others Care for Others Professional Standards Law of Land Warfare
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 5 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Ethical Conduct is Critical We represent the military profession People look at our behavior What we do affects many others Power brings responsibility Military leaders serve as role models
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 6 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Army Ethical Standards BLUF Live the Army Values (LDRSHIP) Model the Warrior Ethos Follow the Soldiers Creed Honor Your Oath as an Officer
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 7 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Building Ethical Character How do you build physical strength and stamina? How do you develop mental capacity and sharpness? Build ethical character the same way Conscious and diligent effort
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 8 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Abu Ghraib and Military Ethics Prisoners in US Custody were severely mistreated How has this affected the reputation of the military profession of arms?
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 9 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Ethical Scenario Questions What would you do in this situation? How would you defend your decision? What do you think the reaction of your squad members might be? What kind of courage would this require?
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 10 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Captured Platoon Sergeant Torn between two ‘good’ missions Good of the individual Soldier vs. the Army Warrior ethos: Mission first vs. fallen comrade Army values: Personal Courage Army values: Loyalty and Duty Tensions
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 11 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Civilian Vendors Good to help people who are in need Good to protect yourself from possible threat Good to reduce hostility of the local population Important to know the local culture and customs Army values: Personal Courage Army values: Selfless Service
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 12 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Conclusions Ethical decisions can be difficult Ethical decisions are not always clear Cultural moral standards make ethical conduct difficult to determine Sometimes you must choose between the lesser of two evils or greater of two goods There are often tensions between what is best for one individual and what is best for the group Ethical decisions require diligent effort and courage
MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Ethical Decision Making Process
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 14 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process What is Ethics? Ethics refers to the principles or rules of good conduct based on our beliefs of what is right or wrong, good or bad.
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 15 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Common Ethical Concepts Means – ways we seek to achieve our goals Ends – goals of our actions Culture – patterns and traits of group action Conscience – internal judgments of right and wrong Character – patterns and traits of individual action Conduct – actual behavior – what is said and done
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 16 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Common Ethical Concepts Consequences – the end result of our conduct Intentions – the desired end of what we do Justice – the quality of being right, fair, or correct Morals – individual & social beliefs about goodness Rights – privileges guaranteed to individuals Responsibilities – duties to the common good
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 17 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Two Types of Ethical Issues Micro ethics is the consideration of day- to-day expressions of character and conduct. Macro ethics is the consideration of long- term, far-reaching social consequences of character and conduct.
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 18 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Primary Ethical Tensions Conflicts of Interest Individual vs. Collective Good Conflicts of Values Forced choice between two different values Fair Treatment Favoritism, Double Standards, Discrimination Distribution of Goods or Wealth Safety and Bodily Harm
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 19 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Ethical Decision Making Process Identify the Ethical Problem Identify the Key Issues Generate Alternatives Analyze Alternatives Compare Alternatives Make and Execute a Decision Assess the Results
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 20 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Identify the Ethical Problem Conflict of Interest? Conflict of Values? Fair treatment? Distribution of wealth? Safety or bodily harm? Rights or responsibilities?
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 21 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Identify the Key Issues What is the potential good or evil? What conflicting values are involved? What are your personal motives? What are the long-term consequences? What benefits or harms are associated?
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 22 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Generate Alternatives Gather information from other sources Consider different points of view Evaluate cross-cultural factors Consult with trusted colleagues Recall historical experiences
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 23 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Analyze Alternatives Create the greatest good Align with your mission Align with Army values Consider long-term consequences Maintain a clear conscience Honor your character and reputation
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 24 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Compare Alternatives What is the greatest good? What action best supports your mission? What conduct most reflects Army values? What creates best long-term consequences? What allows your conscience to be clear? What most honors your reputation?
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 25 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Make and Execute a Decision Often there is no perfect action Lesser of two evils Greater of two goods No decision is a decision Accept your responsibility
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 26 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Assess the Results Ethical – Examine character building Financial – Evaluate economic impacts Operational – Measure effects on quality Relational – Consider cohesiveness Cultural – Evaluate social contributions Educational – Reflect on learning
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 27 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Ethical Decision Making Case Studies Break out into teams of 4 to 6 Review the cases assigned Walk through the ethical decision making process together
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 28 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Ethical Scenario Questions What ethical problems and key issues did you identify? What alternatives did you generate for this situation? How would you defend your decision based on analysis and comparison? What kind of consequences would you anticipate? What do you think the reaction of other people might be, including your own squad or platoon members? What kind of courage would this require?
Rev. 15 Apr 2005Slide 29 of 25 MSL 401, Lesson 5b: Ethical Decision Making Process Conclusions Ethical decisions can be difficult Ethical decisions are not always clear Cultural moral standards make ethical conduct difficult to determine Sometimes you must choose between the lesser of two evils or greater of two goods There are often tensions between what is best for one individual and what is best for the group Ethical decisions require diligent effort and courage