Health and human rights of older persons: challenges and opportunities
Key challenge Exclusion of older people at 3 critical levels: 1. As individuals 2. In sectoral policy making 3. In human rights monitoring framework
1. Discrimination against individual older people
“We have to tell a lie when calling the ambulance.”
“They invent illnesses because they feel marginalised.”
“You are wasting the doctor’s time – you are not sick, just old.”
2. Exclusion from sectoral policy making
Invisibility in the data (1) HIV: 15 – 49 Violence against women: 18 – 49
Invisibility in the data (2) Available data 32 country survey: Use of health-care facilities: 50% Numbers of geriatric wards: 44% Older people’s health expenditure: 28% Government expenditure disaggregated by age: 19%
3. Invisibility in human rights monitoring framework
Attention by treaty bodies Treaty BodyNo. of references CEDAW295 CESCR75 CAT5 HRC4 CERD2
Inconsistent attention CEDAWCESCRSR on IDPs SR on housing SR on E,S & A Ex. SR on indig. people Total no. Right to Health
Opportunities States Parties: periodic reporting Treaty Bodies: list of issues, constructive dialogues, concluding observations Special procedures UPR HRC: Consider suggestions from OEWG - special rapporteur & convention
14 | HelpAge International | Presentation title | Author’s name | November 17,