Working with Multiple Workbooks Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 1Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin The ability to use multiple workbooks for our data supports the logical organization of different elements of information. For example, we might keep employee information in one workbook, customer information in another workbook, and financial information in a third workbook. Each workbook might, in turn, contain multiple worksheets that each contain a further subdivision of data. For example, the financial workbook might contain separate worksheets for revenues and expenditures. When an application requires information from multiple workbooks, we need to be able to navigate among the workbooks. If we open all of the workbooks needed for the application, each one will be listed as a separate line on the Window menu. One way to navigate between workbooks is to choose them on the menu. We can also arrange the workbooks so that a part of each one is visible in the window. The advantage of such an arrangement is that navigation among workbooks is easier. The disadvantage of this arrangement is that the visible portion of each workbook is smaller than it would be if each filled the entire window.
Navigating among multiple workbooks Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 2Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin If multiple workbooks are open in Microsoft Excel and all are sized to completely fill the window, the only way to navigate among them is to select a workbook in the Window menu. To navigate to Book3 from Book1, open the Window menu and select Book3. The check box before the name of a workbook indicates that is currently the active workbook, which is consistent with the workbook title in the window menu bar.
Navigating among multiple workbooks - 2 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 3Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin After we selected Book3 in the Window menu, it became the active workbook, positioned on top of the other workbooks, and its name is the one shown in the window title bar.
Arranging workbooks - vertical tiling Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 4Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin We can also tile the workbooks so that a part of each one is visible in the window. The advantage of such an arrangement is that navigation among workbooks is easier. The disadvantage of this arrangement is that the visible portion of each workbook is smaller than it would be if each filled the entire window. To arrange the workbooks, select Arrange from the Window menu.
Arranging workbooks - vertical arrangement 2 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 5Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin In the Arrange Windows dialog box, mark the Vertical option button and click on the OK button.
Arranging workbooks - vertical arrangement 3 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 6Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin The three workbooks are arranged side by side in the window. The one that was active when the arrange command was issued, Book3, is the one on the left side of the window.
Arranging workbooks - horizontal arrangement 1 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 7Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin To arrange the workbooks so that they are stacked one above the other, select Arrange from the Window menu.
Arranging workbooks - horizontal arrangement 2 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 8Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin In the Arrange Windows dialog box, mark the Horizontal option button and click on the OK button.
Arranging workbooks - horizontal arrangement Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 7Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin The three workbooks are stacked horizontally, so that they are stacked one on top of another. The workbook at the top is the one that was active when the arrange command was issued.
Arranging workbooks - tiled arrangement 1 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 10Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin To arrange the workbooks so that they are tiled in a mosaic pattern, select Arrange from the Window menu.
Arranging workbooks - tiled arrangement 2 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 11Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin In the Arrange Windows dialog box, mark the Tiled option button and click on the OK button.
Arranging workbooks - tiled arrangement 3 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 12Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin The three workbooks are tiled so that each one occupies a small rectangle on the screen.
Arranging workbooks - cascading arrangement 1 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 13Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin To arrange the workbooks so that they are stacked in a cascading arrangement, select Arrange from the Window menu.
Arranging workbooks - cascading arrangement 2 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 14Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin In the Arrange Windows dialog box, mark the Cascade option button and click on the OK button.
Arranging workbooks - cascading arrangement 3 Working with multiple workbooks, Slide 15Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin The three workbooks are stacked so that a part of each one can be reached with a mouse click, while maximizing the size of each workbook.