How to choose a supervisor Carefully!
Disclosure I found thesis supervisors for my MSc and PhD! I proposed the topic for both my MSc and PhD! I changed thesis supervisors and thesis topics! My supervisor left McGill and I had to work with a new co-supervisor plus my original supervisor (long distance from California)! I survived all of the above! The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Put at least as much time into researching and choosing an appropriate supervisor as you would into buying a car
Remember You are not imposing on faculty members when you meet with them as potential supervisors – If you get that impression then that is the wrong person for you! As a graduate student, you will be helping the faculty member study an area in which s/he is interested The faculty member will gain credit for training another graduate student This is a mutually beneficial relationship The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
And…… Each student-supervisor relationship is unique Some very successful ones are quite informal and distant; others are close and dynamic One type of supervisor does not fit all! The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Early Steps Get to know who is who in the Department Go to seminars Come up with a short list of potential supervisors Check out webpages Check out publications of potential supervisor(s) and students Check out grants (CIHR webpage…) Speak to current and previous students Check whether your choice can supervise alone or has to co-supervise The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
The Approach Be sure to distinguish between preliminary, exploratory interviews and the actual request to become one's supervisor Send an introductory with a nicely prepared CV Be Professional – on time, and prepared – What are your areas of interest etc…. Ask about RA opportunities Ask to read grant applications or other documents as background The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Things to Discuss What are your career goals? What are your personal work and learning styles? What are your timeframes for thesis completion? How will these fit with potential thesis supervisor? The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
The Decision Go back to your first choice and ask……. Make sure to call back each person you met with to tell her/him whether or not you want to work with her/him. It is not a problem to tell her/him you decided to work for someone else. The faculty member knows you are making a choice. The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Once the deal has been struck! Discuss expectations on both sides! The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Some Guidelines Be flexible in your expectations for a thesis topic – Too rigid might turn off a supervisor not working in that area Seek to make the research your own – this is not just a big assignment – Ask about opportunities to put your stamp on the project The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Familiarize Yourself with Departmental Procedures Primary supervisor MUST be a faculty member in the EBOH Nomination of supervisor, committee forms – Deadlines Tracking Forms Timelines for your degree Ask questions if you are confused – Program Advisor Do not assume that your supervisor will know The content of these slides represent one person's opinion
Questions? The content of these slides represent one person's opinion