ÖBIG Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Workshop “Austria‘s EU Presidency 2006” 8 th European Health Forum Gastein Theresia Unger ÖBIG (Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen) Austrian Health Institute
ÖBIG Scope of problem European health report (WHO 2002) 22.5 million people in Europe suffer from diabetes, thereof 85 to 95 percent from type 2-diabetes. Number is rapidly increasing Type 2-Diabetes is diagnosed earlier in life, but often too late Complications are severe: perinatal mortality, blindness, kidney failure, leg amputation and cardiovascular diseases Costs to the health system - especially for treating the complications - are enormous On the other hand: a number of studies have demonstrated that targeted programmes have an important positive impact on diabetes and its complications, and that preventive efforts are cost-effective.
ÖBIG International and EU initiatives St. Vincent Declaration (1989, Italy) signed by representatives of WHO, IDF, national administrations, diabetes experts and patient organisations concrete general objectives, 5-year targets and targets in the area of complications arising from diabetes Otočec Declaration (October 2004, Slovenia) signed by 34 national diabetes associations calling on EU leaders to act and to adopt an EU Council Recommendation for Diabetes Prevention, Diagnosis and Control European Parliament Diabetes Working Group (Chair: John Bowis, MEP) supports an EU strategy on diabetes EC work plan for 2005 (EU Public Health Programme) encourages “development of guidelines and best practice recommendations for addressing main public health relevant diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes…” DG Sanco: Platform for action on diet, physical activity and health (March 2005) DG Research: FP7 ( ) will address diabetes in two research areas
ÖBIG Activities during the Austrian Presidency Survey on the current situation in EU member states and candidate countries Compiled by ÖBIG Commissioned and funded by BMGF Activities, shortcomings & new approaches, models of good practice Topics: national action programmes, DMP, education programmes, guidelines and quality standards, SSG- aspects etc. Analysing existing material, questionnaire: sent to 157 OL and organisations – 45% response rate
ÖBIG Activities during the Austrian Presidency EU-Conference “Prevention of type 2-diabetes” on 15/16 February 2006 in BMGF Commissioned and funded by EC and BMGF Organised by ÖBIG in co-operation with renowned international diabetes organisations: EASD IDF Europe FEND PCD Europe Platform for experts to exchange expertise and develop recommendations in diabetes-relevant fields
ÖBIG EU Conference on Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Main topics: 1.Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in diabetes 2.Disease Management 3.Early prevention 4.Social, societal and gender aspects Link between conference results and political level: Results will be presented to the Health Ministers at informal and formal meeting during the Austrian presidency