Water Cycle, Surface Water and Water Sheds and Water Sheds Water Cycle, Surface Water and Water Sheds and Water Sheds
Today We Will Discuss: Water & Its Properties What is the role of the sun in the water cycle? What is a watershed/drainage system? What is a watershed divide?
The Water Cycle Radiant Energy – Energy from the sun (solar energy) that can travel through empty space. Includes ultraviolet radiation and visible light.
The Water Cycle Most radiant energy is absorbed. The amount of radiant energy absorbed depends upon the surface it hits. Roads & ocean = 95% absorbed; Snow & Ice = 5% absorbed.
The Water Cycle We convert radiant energy to other forms of energy like electricity, motion and heat.
The Water Cycle Driven by Radiant Energy from the Sun.
WATER ON THE GROUND: Surface Water H-K Surface Water Resources RunoffTributariesStreamsRiversWetlandsRunoffTributariesStreamsRiversWetlands
Surface Water Killingworth’s Surface Water Resources RunoffTributariesStreamsRiversWetlandsRunoffTributariesStreamsRiversWetlands
Surface Water Tributary – A small stream that flows into larger one.
Surface Water Watershed/Drainage System – Streams flowing into larger streams and rivers, forming a “treelike” pattern.
What is a Watershed? A Watershed is an area of land that drains to a single outlet. Drainage Divide – ridge separating watersheds
Local Watersheds Map Key: Watershed Boundary Watersheds are used to manage water locally. Movement of water
Long Island Sound Major Watersheds in Connecticut South Central Coastal Parker Hill Rd HKHS
Ground Water: FYI 90 groundwater sources (20 reservoirs ). 400 tests everyday. Water is routinely tested for more than 120 potential contaminants. Approximately 84%, or 2.8 million of CT’s population of 3.4 million, are served by public water supply.