1 EBC Workshop Introduction and Welcome
2 Objectives of the day Report progress since the September workshop Outline BT’s plans Explain and understand the EBC Solution Gather feedback on the EBC Solution Next steps
3 Agenda 10.00Arrive & Coffee 10.30Welcome 10.35Themes from Workshop Next Steps/Way forward 12.05Break 12.20Syndicate Sessions 13.05Short Break 13.10Plenary Session 13.45Summary & Close 14.00Lunch
4 BT Actions since September Workshop Sorted issues into themes based on commonality Analysed options Worked through potential solutions Selected and scoped the EBC Solution Discussed EBC Solution with NTS Focus Group
5 Themes from Workshop New requirements Documentation for new process Other Items Removal of data relating to disallowed traffic Enable Operators to tailor EBC files Pricing issues referred to BT Pricing team Communication with Operators NTS Issues
6 Removal of data for disallowed traffic WATs DLEs Included in new solution
7 Enable Operators to tailor EBC files Web based tool Operator specific files Un-retarded Number Strings Applicable to product type POC specific Commercial offering
8 Pricing issues referred to BT Pricing team CPL issues Tracking unclear Dealt with by Pricing People
9 Communication with Operators Today’s workshop Syndicate session today for way forward Website for reference of key documents Linkage to NTS focus group
NTS Issues Verification of bills NTS Focus Group/New solution
Current Process Calls Terminating on BT Geographic Numbers BT originated IA/CPS/118DQ BT originated NTS Transit
New Solution-Agreed Exit POC Need for greater transparency, how EBC works, what it is Instead of deriving Exit POCs the new solution will use Exit POCs requested and agreed in Routeing Plans Maintain principle of least cost connectivity path Improved Routeing Plan process Changes to EBC algorithms
New Solution - Agreed Exit POCs (AEPs) As now, Operators and BT agree Routeing Plans As now, Routeing Plans show catchment area, number range and BT switch passing calls to OLOs As now, Operators raise DMAs (formal requests for BT to implement routeing plans) Need for change Routeing plans currently do not show: Date stamp If/when DMA has been raised by the Operator When DMA has been implemented by BT Hence, Routeing Plans currently show intended possible future routeing in the BT network rather than actual routeing Therefore not currently suitable for use in charging
Changes to Routeing Plans Future Routeing Plans and Process need to identify and store: Date submitted by Operator Date agreed with BT Technical Account Manager Date DMA raised Date DMA implemented
EBC use of Agreed Exit POCs data Processing logic for each traffic type for each BT DLE: Is the DLE a POC? YESNO Use the POC for charging Select Tandem Exit POC from Routeing Plan Obtain EBC charge band from DLE to Agreed Exit POC
Use of the Routeing Plan Appendix 24A Routeing Plan – Indirect Access and CPS Traffic Operator:- CheaperCalls Service type Indirect Access1945 Single Stage 1966 Single Stage Carrier Pre SelectCPS 2033
Use of the Routeing Plan Appendix 24A (cont’d) Note (A):The Access to CheaperCalls Switches from BT NGS/DMSUs DMSU NameDMSU 1141 CodeOLO Switch 1141 L/Axinite NGSL/AXTL/ZAP/3 etc. Birmingham Silver NGSBM/SILL/ZAP/3
Use of the Routeing Plan Appendix 24A (cont’d) Note (E):The Access to CheaperCalls Switches from BT DLEs DLE NameDLE 1141 CodeOLO Switch 1141 Sth Harrow Unit DL/BYR/UDL/ZAP/3 etc.
Use of the Routeing Plan Appendix 24A (cont’d) NGS/DMSU Areas Switch Name1141Col COLO POC Aberdeen GordonAB/GDL/Garnet NGS Birmingham SilverBM/SILSee Note A London GarnetL/GNTSee Note A etc.
EBC use of Agreed Exit POCs data Processing logic for transit traffic at each BT tandem: Is the tandem an Exit POC? YESNO Use the POC in the Routeing Plan for charging Obtain EBC charge band from tandem to Agreed Exit POC Select the tandem Exit POC from Routeing Plan
Benefits Transparency of the EBC AEP process Receiving Operator determines the AEP for charging Operators able to predict charges when planning routeings Removal of EBC data relating to disallowed traffic routeing Simplification of build process and maintenance NTS Opportunity to standardise charging to include NTS NTS Focus Group considering Agreed Exit POCs Process for reflecting POC changes improved
Syndicate Sessions Two syndicate sessions: Nominated presenters from each syndicate Red – Identify areas where further explanation would be helpful and identify any areas of concern with the new solution Green – Identify means for your continued involvement and the communication of BT’s development of the solution Last 10 minutes of each session: ‘What are your requirements for a Web Based EBC Analysis Tool?’ ‘What benefits would this bring you and how much would you be prepared to pay for it?’
Summary & Close BT has scoped an EBC Solution EBC Solution explained and discussed Routeing Plans are integral to Solution New processes are being developed and will be documented BT will take away feedback from today’s workshop and develop further processes and communications Thanks …. and Lunch arrangements